Chapter 11

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Bri's POV:

A Silurian.

"But..." I stuttered

"But what? I have a severe skin condition!" she remarked.

I knew this was a bluff considering the fact that pretty much all Silurians use this excuse whenever a human sees their real face.

"Oh really? I thought you were a Silurian." I remarked. "I guess not, sorry my bad."

"How do you know of my species?" she asked becoming worried.

"I'm human, my home planet is Earth." I told her.

"So is mine." she added

"Exactly. I know about you because our species have been sharing a planet for a millennia."

"Our world is not know to humans." she said quickly.

"Correction, not all humans."

"How many?" she asked now grasping the bars on my cage.

"Me and now these boys here." I said gesturing to Harry and Zayn.

"Why are you here? I know this planet is a nature preserve but the Silurians aren't exactly and endangered species. I've seen hundreds if thousands of them underground on Earth." I asked.

"Our ship crash landed here. Few survivors remain." She explained.

"You said earlier, about your friends. What did you mean?" I asked.

"First I need to know if you can be trusted."

"We can. I've helped your kind before, I will gladly do it again." I told her.

"Just to make sure, one of your friends will stay here. You and the curly headed one are free to roam the facilities. But if you stir up any trouble in any way, you're going back into the cages."

"I understand." I said proudly.

"I release you." She said and clicked a button on a remote. Harry and I's cuffs fell to the ground and our doors swung open.

Harry sprinted out and started to run down a hallway.

"Harry no wait!" I yelled and ran after him.

He kept running and I was going after him. He was only about ten feet in front if me but he was maintaining a fast speed.

"Harry just wait! Ill explain everything!" I yelled

He took a sharp turn right and I noticed there was one right where I was at too. I ran down that and soon it turned left. I continued running down it when I saw Harry running across it. I sped up and dove after him.

We both slammed down and I landed on top of him. He tried to get up but I just pinned him down again.

"Gotcha." I managed to say in between breaths. We were both out of oxygen.

"Where. Am. I?" he asked panting.

"Ill figure it out. But just listen. If we don't help these Silurians, they're not gonna let us our of here. And if they don't let us out, the we break out eventually. And if we break out, we don't get Zayn back. Is that what you want?" I asked.

He shook his head no.

"That's what I thought. Now, I just need to talk to a few people and ill get us out if here in no time." I said getting off him.

We got up and walked back into the room with the Silurian and a caged Zayn.

"Sorry about that, its his first trip." I explained. "Now who are those friends of yours?"

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