Chapter 84

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Bri's POV:
I sighed as I had finally compacted all the boxes together. It turned out to be just a giant heap of cardboard.
I looked around at my new apartment. Finally, a place to myself.
I heard a soft knock at my door and wondered who could be visiting so early in my residence here. Probably a neighbor that just wants to be nice.
I walked to the door and opened it with a smile.
However that smile quickly faded.
"What are you doing here?" I asked seriously with no emotion.
"I just want to talk please." he said sounding quite desperate.
I sighed. "Louis, I-"
"No." he stated, cutting me off.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"No. You aren't doing this, not now. Im not letting you push me away again." he said strictly.
"It's been a year Louis, I think I've pushed hard enough for any sane person to get a hint." I stated.
I went to close the door but his foot quickly stopped it. I looked through the gap that his clunky shoe made. I could see half of his perfectly sculpted face. His hair was ragged and going in all directions, the way I like it to be.
"Good thing Im not sane then." he said seriously. "Its been a year, you need to stop hiding."
I groaned and opened the door while realizing he was right. He just stood there looking kind of shocked that I am willing to talk to him. I gestured for him to walk through the door and so he did.
He sat on the sofa in the small living room as he looked around.
"What do you want?" I asked while crossing my arms and standing in front of him.
"You." he stated confidently.
I shook my head. "Louis you're the reason he left."
He stood up quickly and walked over to me. "You say this over and over again but you've never told me what it means."
"The Doctor left me because he wanted me to have a normal life. He promised he would come back Lou, he promised!" I could feel angry tears starting to fall from my eyes. It continues to shock me how Im only like this with Louis. Like Im allowing him to see this vulnerable side of me.
"It's been a year! A god damn year and still no sign of him!" I yelled. "Sixteen years he's been in my life and he left all at once thinking I can just move on!"
I realized I was out of breath and tears were falling down my face like a waterfall.
I felt two arms around me and knowing Louis was there to catch me, I collapsed.
"I- I didn't know." he said as he pulled me to his chest.
I hadn't seen this boy in a little over a year and he still shows me the love and passion as though we see each other every day.
I had finally managed to calm myself down and I sat up on my own without the help of Lou.
"Why are you here? Why did you come and treat me like we see each other everyday?" I asked.
He pushed a strand of hair that had fallen from my face behind my ear.
"I suppose when you love someone once, it never truly fades." he said.
I leaned over and wrapped my arms tightly around him and he returned the gesture.
I pulled away and wiped the tears from my eyes.
"Now stop being nice to me, you aren't suppose to be nice to me." I giggled as I smacked his arm.
He stuck his tongue out and I knew he was back.
"How do you have friends?" I asked.
He scoffed. "Excuse me! I am a very good friend." he defended.
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah okay!"
He stopped joking for a second before looking at me seriously.
"So speaking of friends. How are you and Sam?" he asked.
"We're fine." I lied, looking at my hands.
"Bri." he said, commanding me to tell the truth because he knows very well that that wasn't it.
"I still see her." I said honestly.
"How much?" he asked.
"Once, maybe twice a month." I shrugged.
"A month?!" he exclaimed.
"I cause her stress every time I see her. Its hard for me to have that effect on someone and allow myself to still be with them. Plus she has two kids to take care of now." I explained.
"Have you even seen Mia and William?" he asked.
I shook my head while avoiding his gaze.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because I am a tornado of destruction. And I don't want to hurt Sams family." I told him.
"But it's Sams children! How could you pass that up?" he asked.
"To keep them safe I can." I said.
He stood up and grabbed my hand.
"What are you doing?" I asked as he pulled me with him.
"We're going to see Mia and William."

A/N: so I know its short but I have 4 mid terms tomorrow and ill update later this week, the sequel will be on a different account but ill full you in when that time comes! Bye, love all of you!

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