Chapter 77

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Third Person's POV:

Sam just stood in front of Bri with crossed arms, still quite pissed.

"And why couldn't you have told us you survived?" she asked bitterly.

"I had to help the Doctor with something dangerous and by telling you or the boys I would be putting you both at risk." Bri said.

"And what about Kira huh? You put her at risk." Sam said sounding very sad and disappointed.

Bri cocked her head. "Who?"

"Kira." Sam said quickly.

Bri shook her head. "Who's Kira?"

Before Sam could answer the Doctor grabbed Bri's shoulders and led her out of the TARDIS.

"I think its best for you to go check on Louis right now, bye!" he said quickly as he threw her out and shut the doors.

"Doctor, what's going on?" Sam asked. "Why doesn't Bri know her own daughter?"

"It's for her own good." he replied.

"Tell me what happened."

The Doctor and Bri stumbled into the TARDIS breathless and dirty.

"I thought that would never end!" Bri said.

"Agreed." The Doctor panted. "But it was fun."

Bri looked at the Doctor with a smile. "Its good to be back."

They helped each other up and walked to the console.

"Can we go back now that the Cybermen are gone?" Bri asked.

"Back?" the Doctor asked.

"Yeah, you know Sam, the boys, Kira." she pointed out.

"Oh yeah." the Doctor said as though he had forgotten about them. A look of sadness crossed his face.

"Doctor. I need to go back. I know you're used to me being all yours whenever you want me but. . . There's people who need me now." Bri said when the Doctor turned his back to her.

He turned around and saw that a tear or two were rolling down his face.

"I need you." he barely managed to say. "I- I love you."

"Doctor I-"

"Don't make me travel alone again. Please, I can't bare it. Say with me I'm begging you." he said.

Bri quickly wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer to her. She rubbed his back and his neck and shushed him as he cried into her shoulder.

"You're never alone." she whispered to him. "Not while I breathe."

"Then don't leave." he said as he wiped the tears from his face after pulling away.

"Doctor." Bri sighed. "Its time to get back to the real world. Besides, cant you just hop forward a couple weeks then we can go on an adventure?"

The Doctor sniffled. "I suppose so."

"I just need to start living my life again." she said to him.

"I understand." he nodded.

He walked around the console.

"How about we start with picking Kira up from school?" Bri suggested.

"Sounds fine with me." the Doctor said as he started to fiddle around with the console.

Once they landed Bri walked out and saw police cars and caution tape around the school. All the children and teachers were outside along with many concerned parents.

"Excuse me." Bri said to a passing officer. "What happened?"

The officer sighed with a sad tone. "Some lunatic ran in and shot a little girl."

Bri's face went white. "Light brown, frizzy hair?"

"Do you know her?" he asked.

"Of course I do that's my daughter." Bri said quickly as she sprinted into the school.

She could hear the officers chasing her and the dogs barking behind her. She ran through the school until she came to Kira's classroom.

The crime scene detectives were taking pictures and looking for evidence.

Then she saw it.


By herself, on the ground releasing a crimson color.

By that point the cops started to drag her out.

She screamed and fought through the tears, her words barely audible.

The cops dragged her through the school and back outside.

She tried to break free or to get away, but two men were stronger then her by herself.

They threw her in a police car and started taking her to the station.

The Doctor showed up immediately after they got there and bailed her out immediately. He used his psychic paper to convince the guards he was above the law and that Bri didn't need to be charged.

He dragged her into the TARDIS for she was too weak to stand by herself.

She collapsed once inside and cried the hardest she has ever cried.

She ran up to the Doctor.

"Please! We need to go back and save her Doctor please!" Bro begged as she bawled her eyes out.

He cupped her face and kissed her forehead, shedding done tears of his own.

"You know I can't do that Bri. Please just calm down, you'll be alright." He said as he held her close to him.

"No I won't Doctor please do something!" she sobbed, falling to the ground.

"I can't." he lied.

"Please Doctor, I know you can just please!" she begged.

There was only one thing he could do.

"Okay." He sighed.

He pressed two of his fingers to the side of her temples. As he closed his eyes, Bri's crying slowed down and after about a minute, she stopped all together.

Bri looked at the weird position they were in and looked at the Doctor with confusion.

"Uhh... Doctor? What are we doing?" she said with a slight laugh as she got up.

"The TARDIS must've hit a time bump. I guess we fell down." he lied.

"Oh." Bri said while dusting herself off. "Well then, time to go home."

"So what exactly did you do?" Sam asked, still not quite getting it.

"Something that I wish I didn't have to." he sighed.

"Which was. . .?" Sam asked.

"Human minds are very simple actually. Through a simple touch of the nearly exposed brain, I can see you memories, read your mind, and brainwash you into doing something if I truly wanted." he explained.

"So you wiped her mind?" Sam asked with shock.

The Doctor nodded. "Of all memories and traces of Kira. Every last one. She has no clue who Kira is. Even if you were to show her pictures, she would think that its just another kid."

"How could you do that?!" Sam asked with slight protest.

"I didn't want to! Do you honestly think she rather be on the verge of suicide with the guilt and grief of her daughter on her mind?" he asked.

Sam sighed. "I suppose not."

"She's already different enough." the Doctor said.

"What do you mean?" Sam questioned.

"Wait 'til you see her new belt."

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