Chapter 32

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Bri's POV:

Sam and I both slept in the med bay that night. Niall and Louis were both conscious, but Niall was high off pain killers.

"I see. . . A ghost!" he yelled pointing at me.

"Okay, I know I'm pale but is that really nessisary?" I asked rolling my eyes.

Everyone just laughed. I Sam and I were both leaned back in our chairs with our feet propped on the metal tables our partners were occupying.

We laid some bed sheets and pillows with blankets on the tables to make them more comfortable for the boys.

"How about you girls sing us a song." Louis suggested.

"How about you guys sing us a song." Sam said back.

"Well I'm sure you've both heard my solos and Niall isn't gonna be much use, being as high as a kite." he laughed lightly.

I looked at Sam and shrugged. I got up and went to my room and got my guitar. When I walked back Niall was rambling something about blueberries. I sat back in my seat next to Louis.

"I didn't know you played the guitar." Lou said as I sat down.

"Yeah my mom taught me after my dad died. It was her way of taking her focus off of the loss." I explained.

"So I take it Sam's gonna sing?" He asked sitting up in his makeshift bed.

"We both will, but Sam's way better." I confessed. "I'm only here to play." I laughed.

I started playing a soft version of Don't Stop Believing and Sam and I started to sing lightly. We use to do this all the time. We actually considered doing a band but considering we only did a bunch of covers we realized we couldn't go very far.

The way we sang it, the song sounded more like a lullaby but we both liked it better that way. Neither of us liked rap or pop music. I am a big fan of 80's music and Coldplay but Sam's just sort of all around I guess.

Niall was finally calming down while we 'performed'. Louis just smiled awkwardly at us. He kept making funny faces at me, trying to get me to laugh.

When we finished the song Niall shot up and started clapping.

"Whoooooooooo! That was brilliant!" he yelled making all of us laugh.

"Says the guy who's too stoned to remember his own name." Sam added.

"Yep!" Niall yelled.

"I have to admit, that was pretty good. And I thought the five of us were the only musically talented ones." Louis confessed.

I put my guitar on the ground and propped it against my chair. I looked over and Niall was out like a light. Sam had her head leaned back, ready to fall asleep. I got as comfortable in the chair as I could and slowly drifted to sleep.

*the next day*

I was running. . . Again.

Always running. I looked behind me to see the squealing beast was still chasing me. I didn't know what it was, but it was chasing me. I took a sharp left and kept running.

I was in some sort of maze. The concrete walls extended high so I could around me. The crowd cheered as the beast kept following me.

I was in an arena.

The large beast ran like a dog, but was massive. It was bald and slimey with dark green feathers on the top of its head. It's four legs were muscular and its nails were freakishly long. It had a beak and eyes as black as night.

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