Chapter 39

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Bri's POV:

I woke up with Kira out of my grasp. I leaned forward and looked around. She wasn't in the room. I heard a muffled giggling from downstairs and knew she was in the kitchen.

I got up and put on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top. I walked downstairs and saw Tyler making pancakes with Kira watching him intently.

"Where's Louis?" I asked while standing next to Kira who was sitting at a tall chair next to the island in the kitchen.

"He's at the lake." Kira responded looking up at me.

"Why's he there?" I asked her.

She shrugged and continued watching Tyler make her breakfast.

I walked outside and down to the lake. It was about a five minute walk through a small forest on a thin trail. Once the trees were behind me, I saw him standing on the end of the pier, looking out to the water. I walked up and stood next to him, both of us looking at the water.

"Who were you?" he whispered.

Ever since we got here its been the same question. But he wanted to know, so I was going to tell him.

"A drunk." I said quickly. I saw him look at me with disbelief in the corner of my eye.

"But you were only 16. . ." He responded.

"Tell me about it." I scoffed. "I was 13 when I took my first sip of beer."

"What happened after that?" he asked.

"Eventually I met Tyler. He was the same as I. We both knew the harm we were putting ourselves in and we would admit it to each other. We supported each other. By the time I got pregnant I had already overcome my addiction months in advance. But Tyler hadn't. He got better, but he never overcame it. When I told him I was pregnant, he was excited. He didn't care what everyone thought as long as I was happy. I stayed here for a week or so until I broke down. I left during the night while he slept. His mom had planned to move away a few weeks before. I used it to tell everyone that he didn't take it well and that he left." I explained.

"Why did you lie and say that he lost it?" He asked with anger. I could tell that the fact I didn't tell him sooner frustrated him.

"Because I couldn't explain why I left to myself let alone someone else." I barked back.

"So you covered all that shit and all that failure with one lie?!" he asked in a mocking way.

"You don't understand!" I yelled back.

"You are a bloody wreaking ball, you know that?!" he yelled. "A tornado of destruction everywhere you go!"

"You wanna know why I really brought us here?!" I yelled "I brought us here because it was time this happened. And Tyler's completely unrelated. He is totally distant to all the shit we've been through lately."

"What shit?!" he yelled loudly. "The only shit we've been through lately is the shit you've put us through!"

"Why are you acting like this?!" I yelled.

He suddenly calmed himself but he had tears streaming from his eyes.

"It's just. . ." He had to compose himself. "There's no place for me here." he said sadly.

His current state was enough to sadden me but I was still angry at the fact he yelled like that. We both stood there silently for a few minutes, not daring to look at one another.

"I don't know what else to say." I said with a bit of calm anger in my tone while looking at the ground.

"There's nothing else to say," he sighed while wiping the tears from his cheeks. "except goodbye to Kira."

He walked away and into the forest, back to the house. By that point I hated myself for bringing us here.

Why did I even do it?

I wiped my face and waited for a few minutes then started up the dirt trail.

Once I got back to the house I saw Louis sitting on the couch.

With no bags.

As soon as he saw me, he stood up. He looked nervous but not angry anymore.

"I'm sorry." he whispered.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around him tightly. He gladly returned the hug.

"Lets just forget about the whole thing." I sighed.

Soon enough there was a knocking on the door. I heard Tyler yell from the kitchen.

"Got it!"

I heard the door creak open then muffled talking. The door then slammed open.

My attention was now directed at the doorway that linked to the kitchen. Soon enough I saw someone march into the room.

Someone I never would have expected.

The Doctor.

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