Chapter 69

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*Eight Months Later*

Bri's POV:

I woke up to someone pushing on my shoulder.

"Mommy, wake up!" Kira pleaded as she pushed on me.

"What is it monkey?" I asked while rolling over to face her.

The sun was just coming up outside showing it was around six or seven in the morning.

"Is Daddy coming to the wedding today?" she asked.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"No he isn't. Why?" I asked

She shrugged. "Just wondering."

"We should probably pack up the car and get going." I said.

"I don't want to wear a dress." Kira pouted.

"Me neither monkey. But if I have to wear one, so do you." I told her.

"Or we could both wear our pajama's." she suggested.

I giggled. "That wouldn't be nice now would it?"

Kira shook her head.

"Go put on some clothes and bring your dress downstairs so we can pack it in the car." I told her.

She nodded and ran out of my room. I looked around and sighed knowing what today will bring.

If it were up to me, I wouldn't even go. But it is Sam and as much as I dread the social interaction, I wouldn't miss her wedding for the world.

I walked downstairs and ate a quick bowl of cereal and made one for Kira whenever she decided to come down and eat.

There was a knocking on the door and I answered it.

"Tyler? What are you doing here?" I asked out of surprise.

"Well I just wanted to ask if it was okay if I took Kira to the amusement park or zoo this weekend?" he said.

I shrugged. "I don't see why not, it is your weekend. You can do whatever you want with her, you don't have to ask me. Says the custody contract anyway."

"Well I was wondering if you would like to come as well." he offered.

"You will be there for Kira, she won't need me." I reminded him.

"Not for her, for me." he smiled.

"Ty, not this again." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Please Brianna. I think it would be nice if we started over. Just let me take you out." he pleaded.

"You know I'm focusing on my career right now." I told him.

"Yeah? Well I'm calling bullshit. You're just a workaholic." He said.

Little does he know.

"Goodbye Tyler, see you Thursday." I said while closing the door on him.

I then went into my room and went on my computer. I looked through my emails and saw that I had one from Jack.

Jack Harkness:

I appreciate your help these past couple months. I understand what you went through and I hope that we can get to the bottom of all this business with the Master. With the Doctor no longer around, who knows what he's up to.

I stared at that word.


It suddenly seemed so foreign, so unfamiliar.

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