Chapter 81

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For information on the When Worlds Collide sequel, please read the authors note at the end of the chapter and respond please!
Third Person's POV:
Bri froze in realization of what her friend had just said to her. She knew surely this day would come but not this soon and definitely not here.
"Y-you are?" she asked with a shaky breath.
"Yes." Sam replied with a hint of fear in her voice, scared of how her friend might react.
"H-how long?" Bri asked, not able to form complete sentences.
"Two months." Niall replied.
Bri nodded slightly and Sam stood, waiting for her to pop.
"Don't you agree now that she shouldn't come along?" Niall asked Bri.
"Yes. Of course, yeah definitely." Bri said while looking at the ground.
"Sam, go wait in the TARDIS." Niall directed.
"No!" Bri said quickly.
"No?" Niall asked.
"Um. . . Go wait in the food court, stay in sight of the public where it's safe. Don't go to the TARDIS unless directed by me or the Doctor." Bri said while gathering herself.
"I'm sure the TARDIS is much safer." Niall argued.
"No, actually it isn't. Not now anyways." Bri told him.
"Why can't I go to the TARDIS?" Sam asked.
"Sam, stop talking and just do it okay! I have a shitload on my plate right now and I really don't have time to deal with this so for the time being just do as you are told!" Bri snapped.
Sam nodded, clearly being upset by what Bri had just said to her. She kissed Niall before heading for the food court.
"Listen, you don't have to be so rough. I'm sure-"
"Shut up Niall, I'm thinking." Bri said, interrupting him.
She held out her hand. "Phone."
"Why do you-"
"How many times to in have to tell you humans to stop asking so many damn questions!?" Bri barked.
Niall quickly handed her the phone.
"And you wonder why everyone wants to kill you." Bri said under her breath referring to the human race.
She typed in some numbers before holding the phone to her ear.
"Doctor!" she said into it. "We have a situation."
*A few minutes later*
"Okay, there is an underground tunnel leading to the cell that the boys are trapped in, we are going to follow it in there and lead them out. Well we're going to try to." Bri said while handing Niall his phone back.
"Well that's weirdly convenient." He said as they started walking to the entrance of the tunnel which was the sewage drain out front of a nearby shop.
"Time travel, don't you just love it?" Bri asked with a smirk.
They came to the pothole and Niall helped Bri remove it. They then climbed down into the tunnel.
"What's that got to do with time travel?" Niall asked.
"Well I called the Doctor, told him about the situation so he went into the past and drilled this hole around the time that this whole place opened." Bri said as they started walking down the dark tunnel.
Light was scarce and they could barely see, however it was just enough to navigate.
"So, why can't Sam wait in the TARDIS? Why did you say that it wasn't safe?" Niall asked as they continued to walk.
"Do you love your child, Niall?" Bri asked.
"Of course." he replied.
"Then do it a favor and keep Sam away from the TARDIS as much as possible while she's pregnant." Bri told him.
"Why?" he asked.
"Have I ever told you about Amy Pond and Rory Williams?" Bri asked.
"No, I don't think so." Niall responded.
"Amy and Rory were previous. . . Travelers with the Doctor. They were a very cute couple that basically did what I do for the Doctor now. On the night of their wedding they um. . . Celebrated in their room in the TARDIS. Their child Melody was conceived that night." Bri explained.
Niall just followed behind Bri, trying to pay attention as to what Sam and their child had anything to do with this.
"As Amy was pregnant, she continued to travel in the TARDIS. The Doctor later found out that Amy had been kidnapped and that it was just a Ganger of Amy that had been with them the past couple months."
"What's a Ganger?" Niall asked.
"Basically a copy of a person but made of this plastic-goo stuff. Trust me it's horrifying. Anyways the real Amy had been held captive by people that wanted the Doctor dead. Amy gave birth to Melody and the people stole her. They took Amy and Rory's baby away from them and they ran away."
"Why would they do such a thing?" Niall asked with shock and disgust in his voice.
"Since Melody was conceived inside the TARDIS and Amy travelled during the first couple months, it caused Melody to be. . . Different."
"What do you mean by 'different'?" Niall asked.
"Melody was exposed to the Time Vortex while being carried by Amy."
"I still don't get why those people took her." Niall said while stopping, trying to comprehend what Bri was telling him.
"The way the Timelords became what they are is through prolonged exposure to the Time Vortex. This made Melody have traces of Timelord DNA."
"But why did they take her?" Niall asked again, desperately wanting to know.
"The Doctor is the last of his kind if you didn't already know. He has powerful enemies that are willing to do whatever they can to stop him. But they can't. The Doctor beats them every time. With Melody being the closest thing to another Timelord, the Doctor's enemies took her. They named her River Song and kept a careful eye on what she was doing at all times. They hoped to breed her into an assassin and change her identity with one solemn purpose in life."
"Which was what?" Niall asked.
"Kill the Doctor." Bri told him.
"Well, what did he do?" Niall asked.
Bri smirked and started walking again with Niall following closely.
"He married her."
"Why are you telling me all this?" Niall asked.
"If pregnant Sam is exposed to the Time Vortex as well, history will repeat itself. Im sure you would like to keep your child." Bri told him.
"If his enemies are as dangerous as you say, Sam shouldn't even be here now!" Niall said, suddenly getting worried.
"Yes, I know. Thats why I would like to get this done as soon as possible so we can leave." Bri said.
"Wait. Does that mean she can't travel anymore?" Niall asked.
Bri nodded. "It does."
"She'll never agree to that." Niall said with a sigh.
"Yeah, I know. Thats why she isn't going to have a choice."
Before Niall could respond, they both felt the ground beneath them quake. Small rocks and dust fell from the ceiling of the tunnel.
"What's happening?" Niall asked with fear and urgency in his voice.
Bri put her hand to the wall of the cave to feel the rumbling.
"Earthquake." Bri said. "Well more like Monorquake."
The rumbling slowly ceased and Niall sighed in relief.
"That could have been ugly." he said.
"Oh it's going to." Bri responded.
"What do you mean?" Niall asked.
"Do you know anything about Earthquakes? That was the first wave, the aftershock will be here any second." Bri said while examining the small cracks in the tunnel walls.
"Aftershock?" Niall asked.
"Its going to be much more powerful than the first wave." Bri said.
"Well what do we do? How do we get out?" Niall asked quickly.
The ground around them began to tremble again but with much more power.
"Run!" Bri shouted and her and Niall started sprinting farther into the tunnel.
"What is running going to do? The walls can still cave in!" Niall yelled over the noise to Bri who he was following close behind.
"It's harder to hit a moving target, don't you think?" Bri yelled back to him.
Rocks around them fell from the ceiling, big and little. Adrenaline coursing through both their veins.
There was one loud rumble and then it all stopped.
Bri's POV:
I stopped running once the earthquake was done and caught my breath. I leaned over with my hands on my knees.
"I've never ran so fast in my life." I said while chuckling.
I didn't hear a response.
"Niall?" I asked as I turned around.
Instead of where Niall should be, there was a ton of rocks blocking the tunnel.
"Niall!" I yelled as I ran back to the cave in and started pulling smaller rocks out of the way.
It was no use. The wall was too thick. Every time I pulled a big rock out, another just filled its place.
"NIALL!" I screamed toward the cave in.
I heard no response. No noise. Nothing.
"Come on, come on, come on." I muttered to myself while listening for a response.
"NIALL!" I screamed again.
It's no use. There is nothing I can do now. I just have to assume he's okay and continue the mission.
Better to move on and save as many people as I can than standing here, looking for a lost cause while everyone else is in danger.
"NIALL IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, IM GOING ON. ILL COME BACK I PROMISE." I yelled before turning to the open tunnel and running forward. I need to make up for lost time.
I really hope I'm not too late.

So sorry for not posting till late, I was with Sam this weekend and a few other people embracing my inner demon. I will probably post again on Tuesday since this chapter wasn't that long. And why do I feel like this chapter was basically a breakdown of A Good Man Goes To War? Probably cause it is lol.
I am happy to announce that there will be a sequel to When Worlds Collide and to be honest I have no idea as to what its going to be about. Im thinking its gonna be about Sam's kids? If you guys like that. Im taking suggestions as to what its gonna be. Do you guys like Bri? Should I bring her back in the sequel or should I kill her? Tell me what you think please! Bye bye loves!

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