Chapter 7

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Bri's POV:


The girl continued to wail and scream. She tried to run in by Sam went all summo wrestler on her and completely body slammed her back into the hallway. Sam shut the door while she still could.

"What just happened?" Niall asked.

"Umm, our neighbor just saw Harry." she said leaning against the door as Lisa (our neighbor) banged on it.

"GO THE HELL AWAY LISA!" Sam shouted.

"We've got to get out of here!" Liam said.

"Agreed." Zayn added.

"The front door's a bust, lets use the ladder that leads from my window." I suggested.

"Since when has there been a ladder at your window?" Sam asked.

"Since you started locking me in my room so that I wouldn't sneak off in the middle of the night to see... someone." I explained.

"Figures." Sam scoffed and I smirked.

"This way." I told everyone and led them to my room.

I opened my window and started to climb out when I saw 4 black SUVs with tinted windows roll up. A bunch of guys with cameras swarmed around the building. I quickly jumped back into my room and shut and locked the window.

"What is it?" Sam asked.

"Paparazzi." I sighed. I heard curses coming from each of the boys.

I quickly opened the window, then pushed the ladder so it fell from my window.

"What did you do that for?" Harry asked.

"Did you want them to climb up it?" i asked sarcastically.

We all walked into the living room.

"Is there any other way out?" Louis asked.

"No and even if there was the building is swarmed with paparazzi." I told them.

"Unless..." Sam smirked at me.

"Unless what?" I asked becoming worried.

"Unless one of us knew a certain someone that could get us out of here." she said with a hint of mad scientist in her tone.

I realized who she was talking about.

"No Sam!" I yelled.

"It's that or a fandom explodes." she said crossing her arms.

"What's going on?" Niall interrupted.

"Shut it." Sam and I said in unison to him.

"I'm not doing that." I told her.

"Please! You know how important it is to me that this stays a secret!" she begged.

"Sam no! I'm not exposing my life so that you can keep yours!" I told her.

"Brianna Michelle Sanders! This could make or break my relationship with Niall!"

"Samantha Ellaine Xavier! I could loose my traveling privileges!" I told her.

The banging on the door increased.

"Please Bri! What have I ever asked you for!?" she yelled. I knew she was serious.

I had to give in.

"Hand me my phone." I told her.

She handed it to me off the counter.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I sighed.

I dialed the TARDIS phone number.

07700 900461





Hey Doctor, it's Bri.

Hello Brianna! What do you need?

Your help. Now.


My kitchen.

Be there in a moment.

I hung up knowing he would be there soon. I heard the engines and the wind pushed papers everywhere.

"What the hell?" asked Liam.

"Just you wait." I told him.

I led them into the kitchen and we saw the big blue box.

Here goes nothing.

When Worlds Colide (One Direction and Doctor Who Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now