Chapter 17

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Bri's POV:

"PROPOSAL?!" I yelled very loudly.

He quickly clamped his hand over my mouth and shushed me.

Everyone was turned around looking at us. Especially Louis. Niall gave them a weak smile and they turned their heads away and continued their game. He pulled his hand away from my face.

"I don't know." he sighed sounding stressed. "I love Sam truly, with all of my heart. Im just not sure."

"How long have you guys been going out?" I asked.

"Three years in 28 days and..." He looked at his watch. "3 hours and 52 minuets." he said without hesitation.

He counted the minutes? I wish someone would do something as sweet as that to me.

"Wow." I stated, it was the only thing that would come out.

"Obviously I don't want to get rejected." He smiled uneasily. "So I was wondering if you could kind of... ya know... find out if she would say yes?" he asked. It was cute how nervous he was.

"Well, she may not say yes. But she sure as hell won't say no." I told him.

"What?" he asked sounding really confused.

"She absolutely adores you! Have you heard the things she says?!" I practically yelled.

Niall blushed "No, what does she say?"

"She never shuts up to be honest. Just trust me when I say she loves you." I told him.

"Okay, well even if I do do it, it won't be for another month or so until I plan and act on it." he sighed rubbing the back of his neck.

"Believe me, shes not going anywhere!" I told him.

"Okay thanks for this!" he said. He awkwardly extended his arms for a hug. I looked at him weirdly for a second until I realized what was happening.

I leaned in and hugged him lightly. He was so awkward its hilarious!

"Umm, do you like me?" he asked as I went to walk away.

"What do you mean?" I asked crossing my arms.

"It's just... I get a feeling that you don't really trust me." he said seriously.

"I don't trust anybody, don't take it personally." I said sadly.

"Why?" he asked with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Did Sam tell you about my dad? Tyler? My mother?" I asked.

"Yeah. but what happened to your mother?" he asked putting his hands in his pockets and furrowing his eyebrows.

"We only found out today. She died when the building collapsed on C520." I explained without hesitation. I said it without thinking or picturing it, this refrained me from breaking down completely. I buried it all deep down inside me without digging it up again, I did this with everything.

He looked at me like I had just shot a baby.

"Well are you alright, do you want to talk about it?" he asked coming closer.

I took two steps back. "No, it's fine... Really." I sighed.

"You don't sound fine." he said sympathetically.

"Niall just leave it, its in the past." I explained.

"You just found out today, I'm sure your not fine." he argued.

"IM FINE!" I yelled taking a couple steps back from him.

Once again everyone was looking back at us.

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