Chapter 37

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Bri's POV:

I walked into the shed where Tyler was working. He turned around and saw me.

"Hey." he said weakly.

"Hey." I greeted back.

"When I first saw you last night, I didn't actually think it was you at first." he laughed lightly.

"Why's that?" I asked leaning against the table he was working on.

"I never really thought you'd come back. I told myself you were gone for good. . . Also you dyed your hair." he smirked at the last bit.

"Yeah I was on the run." I told him.

"I can only imagine." he scoffed but I could tell he didn't intend to be rude.

"I'm not like that anymore. I don't do that stuff and act that way. I left that life. But I'm still just as much trouble." I told him.

"Just promise me one thing. That you aren't messing up our daughter." he stated.

I shivered at his wording. Our daughter. After having Kira to myself for so long, I'm not use to someone referring to her as that.

"Ty, I think about that every day. All I really want is for her to be safe and normal." I sighed. "And besides you weren't Mr. Goodie-Two Shoes either back then. You were just as bad as me, if not worse."

"I'm afraid you're right there." he laughed.

"People change, they just don't notice it sometimes. I've never really thought about how much until now." I admitted.

"Preaching to the choir." he said lightly. "But why did you leave? We could have stayed and raised Kira here. We could've gone to the lake every Saturday and fish. But why did you leave?" he asked now becoming serious.

"Because at that point I had changed and you hadn't. And I wasn't ready to continue."

"Continue what?"

"I couldn't continue waking up in the middle of the night, checking your breathing, worried you might be mixing your drugs, booze, god knows what else. And I didn't want my daughter near that."

"Our daughter."

"Do you mind?" I asked, irritated.

"Sorry. . . Its just. . . We were on top of the world. We had each other and didn't need anyone else. We were in love."

"Tell me about it." I sighed. "I would've taken a bullet for you."


A silence filled the room until Tyler broke it.

"So this Louis guy. . . Who exactly is he to you?" Tyler asked.

"Well at this rate it will be ex-boyfriend." I sighed, grabbing a beer.

"Rough patch eh?"

"Pretty much." I told him.

"Been there."

"He's intimidated by you." I finally said smirking.

Tyler started laughing. "He's what?!"

"Yeah, I think its because you know we kind of share a human being." I explained laughing with Tyler.

"Well, he's got nothing to be worried about, I'm not gonna mess with your relationship." Tyler promised.

"Yeah, thanks."

"If you guys want. . . You could stay for as long as you need." He told me.

"Really?" I asked becoming excited.

"Really. I think its time I finally get to know her." he smiled.

"Thank you!" I yelled while giving him a large hug.

His arms and chest were so familiar. His scent hadn't changed. He finally sat back down and continued his work.

"So what did you tell everyone? After you left of course. I mean they all knew I was the father." he asked.

"Yeah, I kind of told them you bailed." I told him straight up.

"Okay. Why?" He asked.

"Because you just made it. . . I dunno, hard? I didn't want to share her and I'm sorry for that." I told him.

"It's okay, I just don't understand that's all."

"You'll get it one day." I giggled. "I just couldn't do it anymore."

"Do what anymore?"

"For some reason being alone with you here made me anxious. I don't know why but I just couldn't settle, like I was waiting for something to happen." I admitted seriously.

"Sounds like you were going crazy." Tyler said lightening the mood.

"Maybe I was Ty, maybe I was." I scoffed lightly with a hint of laughter in my tone.

There was a silence for awhile until Tyler broke it again.

"You know it took me a while to accept that I'd been played." he admitted. "We went from everything to nothing overnight. I woke up one morning and saw your note on the table, and well that's it."

"What did it say again?" I asked.

"Have a nice life."

"Oh yeah, sorry. . . I wanted to stay, really. But I just couldn't."

"It's not even like I had a problem with the pregnancy. I never did understand why you left. I was ready to be a father." he sighed.

"It's just I couldn't tell people that I left because I couldn't really explain it to myself. And you were moving away so the timing was perfect. Thats the way it just sort of ended up." I explained.

"So does everyone hate me now?" he asked.

"Everyone?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sam, that John Smith guy, your mum?"

I swallowed and finally told him.

"My mum's dead." I whispered.


"Yeah, a building caved in on her."

"I'm so sorry." he whispered while wrapping his arms around me.

He pulled away and we found our faces inches apart, like they had been so many years ago. He started to lean in but I slipped from his grasp.

"I better go check on Kira." I said pointing to the door and slowly backing out.

"Yeah, yeah go ahead." he said while catching himself and snapping out of the little mental haze he was in.

I walked out and let out a huge sigh once I got to the house. Louis came up to me with partially wet hair and kissed me gently.

But I couldn't stop thinking about Tyler.

When Worlds Colide (One Direction and Doctor Who Fanfic.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang