Chapter 63

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Bri's POV:

I could hear his claws grasp the side of the chair however he was still out of view.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily.

"Your help." he sneered.

"My help?" I questioned.

"You can save us." he growled.

He finally walked out from around the chair. I saw his dark figure walk around the table and stand a few feet away from me.

"How?" I asked.

He walked over to a book shelf and grabbed a thick, beaten book. I looked at it for a moment or so.

"Our planet, Kalic was destroyed in the Time War." he explained. "Many years ago my species came here and built these tunnel systems, bringing some of our advanced technology with us."

I looked around at the room. It looked too worn down and medieval to contain 'advanced technology'.

"And where is this 'advanced technology'?" I asked putting emphasis on 'advanced technology'

"In our back rooms where the tunnels are more secure. Don't want are prized possessions being crushed by a caving in tunnel now do we?" He asked sarcastically.

"So why this planet? Why move here and not somewhere else?" I asked.

"This planet is very habitable." he told me.

"And Mars isn't?" I asked half joking.

"Mars is occupied." he argued.

"So is Earth."

He was quiet for a moment, thinking about what I said.

"You are not a normal lady are you?" he asked.

"Nope, I'm a golden one." I said, mocking him.

"Most humans in your position would either freak out or remain silent. But you're talking." he said seeming somewhat interested in me.

"Oh, if there's one thing I can do, it's talk." I told him.

"Why is that I wonder?" he asked curiously.

"Maybe I'm just not as dumb as most humans." I shrugged.

"Or maybe you've seen things they haven't." he said while thinking.

I couldn't tell him anything. Not about the Doctor, not the TARDIS, nothing.

"Or maybe you don't understand humans." I said.

"That might as well be it. But until I'm sure of your innocents, you won't leave my sight." he informed me.

On no.

"Wouldn't that just make it easier for me to kill you?" I asked trying anything to make him reconsider what he had just said.

"Wouldn't that just give us a another justified reason to kill you?" he asked back.

Wait another?

"Another?" I asked.

"You have already committed a serious crime against my species." He said. "A crime that you will come to trial for."

"What crime would that be?" I asked.

He grinned devilishly.

"I guess you'll have to find out in court." he snickered.

"And if I get out by then?" I asked.

"Then I will applaud then find and kill you." he said seriously.

When Worlds Colide (One Direction and Doctor Who Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now