Chapter 23

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Sam's POV:

Niall and I were walking around. He had on giant black sunglasses and a Justin Beiber wig.

He looked like a douche.

I didn't dare to take his hand in mine. I wanted to, but I couldn't. He looked straight without saying a word to me.

"You alright?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm fine." he replied in a American accent.

"Why are you talking like that?" I asked looking up at him.

"I'm highly noticed my my accent." he smiled.

"Whatever." I scoffed.

"MOVE IT!" someone behind me shouted.

I suddenly got pummeled to the ground. I fell and so did the girl. She looked up like she was running for her life.

It was Bri?

"What the hell Bri?" I asked while rubbing my now aching head.

"Who are you?" she barked.

"Are you kidding?" I asked while Niall helped me up. I looked in her hands and she had a gun.

I grabbed it and she jerked away quickly.

"Piss off whoever the hell you are!" she yelled.

This wasn't Bri.

She saw something behind us and bolted. Two police men came from behind us and started chasing her.

"Come on!" Niall yelled while running behind the officers.

We followed them into a alley way and Bri was at the top of a fence. The police guards were at the bottom, one on each side. One fell to the ground and blood poured from his head.

He was sniped from behind.

Bri turned and fired two shots into the chest if the remaining police officer. She didn't seemed shocked or dazed, she acted like she had done it many times. A black car pulled up into the alleyway. A nicely dressed man got out, he looked strangely familiar.

He walked over and held his hand out to help her down, she just kicked it away and hopped down. He slammed her up against the gate and held a switchblade to her throat.

"You disrespect me like that again, and ill kill you." he said quietly, yet angrily.

"That's what you said the last time." she responded back.

"Do you have it?" he asked.

She pulled a package out of her jacket pocket. It was the size of a large brick and wrapped in silver duck tape.

"Drugs?" Niall whispered in my ear.

The guy took it from her.

"Nice work, Deonté will be proud." he said grabbing her butt. She pushed him away.

"Shut the hell up and get me out of this dump before I chop your balls off." she said clearly tense.

I then realized who the guy was. I felt lightheaded and leaned onto the wall as they drove away. I couldn't believe it.

"Who was that guy?" Niall asked.

"That was Tyler."

Bri's POV:

"Louis?!" I yelled, standing on a bench now.

Where is he? I told him to stay right here and I was gone for like three seconds. I need some answers to who that girl was. She was clearly me. . .

But how?

I pulled out my phone and did an emergency four way call between each of our teams.

I heard of series of "what" and "hello"s

"Guys, shut up and listen. We need to meet up. Now. Come straight back to the TARDIS. No questions asked." I hung up quickly and looked around for Lou once more before heading back towards the TARDIS.

I started walking when two police officers started to follow me. I started to run, then they did. I was only running for a second or two when the TARDIS was in sight. Everyone was waiting for me.

"Doctor!" I yelled and they saw me coming.

The police officers got to our group and started to cuff me up and recite my rights.

"Whoa, whoa officers I think we have a slight problem here." the Doctor said.

"Yeah, how?" they asked stubbornly.

The Doctor whipped out his physic paper and flashed it in front of my eyes.

"Forgive us commander." the officers said immediately undoing my cuffs.

"Just please continue your undercover work a little more peacefully."

The officers then just walked away.

"Spill." the Doctor sated.

"Okay, so we were walking around looking for anything suspicious. Then there was a girl crying and taking off her shoes and purse at the train station. Then I walked up to her. She turned around and it was me. Like a clone or something. She then just darted off. I then looked around and Louis was gone. He just vanished." I explained.

The Doctor thought about it for a second.

"Dammit!" he whispered to himself. He smacked the TARDIS with the inside of his palm. "I didn't mean this complicated."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I believe we're stuck here until we find Louis." he sighed.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"We're stuck in a parallel universe."

"A what?!" Zayn asked.

"A parallel universe. A different version of our reality. Everything's the same, just a little different." I explained.

"If you take a major life choice and change it, the outcome is basically a parallel universe." the Doctor added.

"Yeah, there's a different universe for every decision you make." Liam added. Everyone kind of gave him the 'How the hell did you know that?' look.

"What, I read a lot of Wikipedia." he shrugged.

"Yeah and you're clone is freaking going around killing cops!" Sam exclaimed pointing at me.

"What?" the Doctor asked.

"Yeah she's a druggie, I found a shitload of heroin in her purse. It also had a list of names and addresses." I told them, pulling the list from my pocket. I took it, knowing it would be useful.

I looked down the list and scanned for names I recognized. One stood out like a blue thumb. I read it over many times just to make sure it was right.

Niall Horan 670, Parkway Drive

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