Chapter 83

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Louis' POV:
"Well then Anders, welcome aboard." Bri smiled.
"What?!" I practically yelled in disagreement. "We don't even know this guy!"
"Well we can certainly get to." Bri said while staring into his blue eyes.
I walked up to them and placed myself between Bri and Anders. I grabbed her shoulders, making her look at me.
"Listen. We have just met this guy, we don't even know if that's his actual name. We don't know who he is or where he's been! He's not safe." I said seriously.
"You don't know that. You know of his innocence as much as his guilt and both are equal to none. Im willing to give the benefit of the doubt." She said back to me. "I understand your concern but the slavers are coming for him. He needs our help."
I turned and looked at Anders. His eyes were practically shining and he had many strange but cool looking tattoos. No wonder Bri finds him so appealing.
"Any help would be greatly appreciated." he said to me. I couldn't help but feel for the guy. No one deserves slavery.
"Doctor, what do you think of all this?" Bri asked.
"Well he clearly needs our help and when have I ever turned an innocent man down?" the Doctor said.
"Lou?" Bri asked me with pleading eyes.
"Oh alright, fine." I said while crossing my arms. Bri smiled and we all piled back into the TARDIS.
Anders stopped at the doorway.
"It's bigger on the inside!" he exclaimed while looking around.
"Eh, you get used to it." The Doctor said while running up to the control panel. "Where to now?"
"Home." Bri muttered quickly.
"Home? Why?" Liam asked.
"Because I said so." she said back.
"Bri-" Sam said but she was cut off quickly.
"No. You're going home wether you like it or not." Bri barked.
"What's happening?" The Doctor asked.
"Sam's pregnant." Bri said fairly quickly.
The Doctors face fell and became very serious. "Home it is then."
Sam gave Bri a look and soon enough, the TARDIS landed.
"Well, we're here. Who's leaving?" he asked.
Sam walked out the doors without saying a word and Niall went after her.
"Doctor." Zayn said. "Its been a pleasure, but the real world is calling."
He walked up and shook the Doctors hand. "Thank you."
The Doctor gave a small smile and a nod.
Liam then stepped forward.
"I think that's enough time and space for me." he chuckled lightly.
"But thanks for the opportunity." Liam said while giving the Doctor a small pat on the back.
"Any time." he said back.
"I think I should go as well." Harry said while walking towards the doors. "See you soon, Doctor."
He stepped out and Bri quickly followed him.
"Where's she going?" I asked.
"Just saying goodbye I think." the Doctor said.
Bri's POV:
"Harry wait!" I said as I got out of the doors.
He turned around and looked at me.
"Back there, at the center. You and I. . . What was that about?" I asked, embarrassed to be too straightforward.
He blushed a little and ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah. Im sorry for that. I was just really confused and I wasn't sure who you were since you changed and all."
"Its fine, I just wanted to make sure you were ok." I said back.
He nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."
There was a small silence.
"Well, I guess this is goodbye." he said.
"I guess so." I said.
He held his arms out and I gave him a small hug. We pulled away and I started walking back to the TARDIS.
"Take care of the boys for me! Sam too if you can manage!" I yelled off to him.
"I will." he smiled and I walked back into the TARDIS.
Louis was right at the doors.
"Are you leaving?" I asked.
He just scoffed and shook his head at me while pushing past me and through the doors.
I looked at the Doctor who just shrugged.
I turned around and walked out of the TARDIS. I ran and caught up to Louis.
"Louis, whats wrong?" I said.
He turned around sharply.
"Oh, so you know my name now?!" he yelled.
"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" I asked back harshly.
We were catching the attention of the other boys but Sam and Niall were no where to be seen.
"Don't even try to act innocent! Ever since you changed I have been tossed aside by you with no regard of how I feel!" he yelled.
"What the hell are you talking about?! Do you not remember what I did for you in the slavers cage?!"
"Oh please you would have done that for any one of us!"
"Yeah, you're right! I would have." I shook my head and started to turn back towards the TARDIS. "But I regret doing it for you."
I started walking to the box quickly. I got to the doors and I heard him yelling after me.
I stepped inside to see the Doctor and Anders talking and laughing. They both turned toward me when my presence was made known.
"Louis' staying behind." I told him.
"You should too." the Doctor stated.
"What?" I asked quickly.
"You should stay here. On Earth." The Doctor repeated. "At least for a little while."
"W-what? Why?" I asked.
The Doctor sighed and stepped towards me.
"Brianna, I fear that I have robbed you of a normal life. Before Sam and the boys came along everything was perfect. But now I've ruined just about every chance of you having a normal life. Im sorry for that." he told me with shame present in his voice.
"I don't want a normal life." I argued. "I want to travel the universe with you. I want to venture out towards the stars and save as many lives as possible. Please Doctor, let me stay."
He shook his head. "Brianna, it was my job to raise you. You're all grown up now. You don't need your guardian angel anymore."
He had tears in his eyes and as did I.
"Hey, it's going to be fine." he said as he wiped the tears from my face. "It's not like you aren't going to see me again."
I nodded and let a few more tears fall down my face.
"C'mere." he said as he pulled me to his chest.
I cried into the tweed as he had his arms wrapped tightly around me. "Im going to miss you." he whispered.
I nodded and he pulled me away from him. He smiled lightly and nodded his head towards the door.
"Now go get a life." He said, somehow causing a small smile to come to my own face.
I walked to the doors and breathed the whole scene in. The smell, the sound, the sight of the TARDIS interior.
One last exit.
For now at least.
"Goodbye." he said, clearly still holding back tears.
I shook my head. "Don't say it like I won't see you again."
"Until next time." he said, correcting himself.
"Until next time." I repeated.
I stepped out of the TARDIS and heard the closing of the door before I heard the familiar sound of it taking flight once more.
I turned around to where the TARDIS had just been. Its really gone. He's really gone.
"Bri." a voice said from behind me.
"Go away Louis." I said as I turned around and walked right past him.
"Bri, I'm sorry." he said while following me.
I snapped and turned around quickly.
"Just shut the fuck up Louis! Stop talking, I don't want to hear your fake ass apologies any longer! You are the reason why my best friend is scared of me and my father figure had just left to help give me "a normal life"." I screamed.
I was absolutely seething with anger and sadness. I didn't know who truly is to blame but anyone to yell at right now is beneficial.
He was speechless. Absolutely speechless. I saw that he was clearly upset with my random outburst.
"Just do us both a favor and never speak to me again." I said coldly before walking in the direction of the main road.
Once I reached it I was about to call a taxi but realized I have no money. Rain began to pour from the sky, completely drenching me. The best part is that the closest place of shelter is about two or three miles away. I started walking in the direction of home.
Wherever the hell that is.
A normal life then, huh?
Great start.

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