Chapter 6

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Bri's POV:

"Uhh... what?" I asked

"Come on, give it up." he said devilishly tapping his cheek.

"Fine." I sighed and leaned in to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head so that our lips connected. I pulled away quickly and gave him a gentle smack across the face.

He held his hand there and pretended to cry.

"Oh knock it off." I said giggling.

"See, I knew I could put a smile on that face." he exclaimed pointing at my face.

"Oh shut up." I said while nudging him.

He threw himself off the bed and yelped when his bum hit the hardwood floor. He held it tightly.

"Ouch! My bum! Im not going to make it! Help!" he dramatically said holding his hand out to me.

"Your such a drama queen." I smiled.

"Naw gurl, imma princess." he joked.

"All hail Princess Louis!" I yelled and neither of us could contain our laughter then.

We got up and he opened the door for me.

"No, princesses first!" I told him. He nodded and walked out.

We came into the living room and Sam and the boys were on the ground laughing hysterically.

"There she is!" Zayn laughed pointing at me.

They all looked like they were gonna piss themselves. Louis and I looked at each other and shrugged.

"Sam just told us about how you guys were in the bathroom, and you tried to kick her and you slipped on a paper towel and fell on your ass!" Harry explained after everyone calmed down.

(A/N: And yes this did actually happen with Sam and I. We still laugh about it to this day.)

I started laughing remembering the funny memory. Louis was next to me laughing as well.

"Sorry, I just had to!" Sam said trying to hold down her laughter.

There was a knocking on the front door.

"Ill get it."Sam said getting up.

I could see that it was the girl from across the hall. She probably wanted us to keep it down. I was talking to Niall and Zayn when I heard someone scream.



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