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So I made a list of who will play the characters in this story.

Bri Sanders: Britt Robertson (Angie, Under the Dome)

Sam Xavier: Ashley Benson (Hannah, Pretty Little Liars)/ Wolf Form: Lady (Game of Thrones)

Niall Horan: Himself

Louis Tomlinson: Himself

Harry Styles: Himself

Liam Payne: Himself

Zayn Malik: Himself

The Doctor: Matt Smith

Tyler: Michiel Huisman (Cal, Orphan Black and new Daario Naharis, Game of Thrones)

Kira: Skyler Wexler (Kira, Orphan Black)

Dylan Monroe (Bri's boss): Josh Vokey (Scott, Orphan Black)

Jen Xavier (Sam's mom): Jennifer Aniston

Tommy Xavier (Sam's brother): Dave Franco

Comment if I forgot any characters that have a decently important role!

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