Chapter 47

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Third Person's POV:

Everyone had a look of shock on their face. Dr. Dawson went to say something but the Doctor stopped him. Brianna continued to look around.

"Sam? Is that you?" she asked.

"Yeah, hi." Sam said awkwardly.

"You look like you're 20!" she exclaimed.

"21 actually." She admitted.

"But. . . I saw you yesterday! Sam your only a year younger then I. How the heck are you 21?!" she asked.

Dr. Dawson left the room and Zayn had to drag Louis out to avoid further complications.

"Sam, who are these people?" she asked.

"Friends." Sam explained.

"Friends? I don't even know them!" she said harshly.

Liam, Harry, and Niall walked out of the room. Bri still hadn't seen the Doctor.

"What's happening?" Bri asked again.

"Memory loss." the Doctor said from across the room.

"Doctor!" Bri exclaimed. "What do you mean memory loss?" she asked.

The Doctor tightened his jaw and prepared to tell her the truth.

"It is 2014, you are 22 years old. A couple days ago you were in a car crash. You lost a significant amount of your memory." he said straight up.

Bri had a hard time coming to terms with this. She didn't know what to say or how to react.

"Where's my mom?" she asked.

"Dead." the Doctor told her sadly.

She let a few tears fall.

"W-where's Tyler?" she asked.

"You two broke up." He said.

"I'm 22 years old?" she asked.

The Doctor nodded.

"I don't believe you." she said.

The Doctor walked over to the nightstand and grabbed a small handheld mirror. He handed it to Bri.

She held it up to her face and not only did she see a older version if herself, but a bruised, scared girl.

"What happened to my hair?" she asked.

Sam couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

"You dyed it." The Doctor told her.

"Why?" she asked.

"You were going under cover." He explained.

"When can I go home?" she asked.

"Today if you want." he told her. "Do you want me to go get a doctor so we can leave?"

Bri nodded and the Doctor walked out.

"Where do I live now that mom's gone?" Bri asked Sam.

"With your boyfriend, Louis." Sam told her.

"And that's the one who was in here earlier?" she asked.

"Yeah, and mine is the blonde one." she smiled.

"I don't want to go with Louis." she admitted.

"Do you want to stay with me?" Sam asked.

Bri nodded.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Sam asked.

"I can't tell you." Bri said.

"Can you tell the Doctor?" Sam asked.

When Worlds Colide (One Direction and Doctor Who Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now