Chapter 35

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Third Person's POV:
Brianna was the first to wake up that morning. She got out of the truck to stretch her legs. Louis woke up next and just sat up in the back. He pulled out his phone to check the time.
"Is that your phone?" Bri asked.
"Yeah, why?" Lou asked back.
"Can I see it for a sec?" she asked innocently.
Lou handed her his phone. She looked at it then picked up a nearby rock. She laid the phone on the rim of the back and smashed it to pieces with the rock.
"Why did you do that?" Lou asked seeming very annoyed.
"We're running from the Doctor, yea? He can track us forever as long as you've got that thing." she explained.
"Oh." Lou said feeling very dumb.
"We have to be extra careful. If we're so much as in the background of a tourists' picture, the TARDIS will pick it up. We have to completely distance ourselves from as much technology as possible." she said while sitting next to him on the back of the truck.
"Makes sense." he added.
"He's gonna be looking for us Lou. Even more do now that we've got Kira." she said.
"I know." he sighed.
Bri jumped down and started to walk around the car. Louis jumped down to.
"Aww god really?!" he exclaimed.
Bri walked around the truck to see Louis' shoes covered in mud. Bri started laughing pretty hard.
Kira stuck her head from the window.
"What's so funny?" she asked.
Bri walked up and leaned against the door.
"Louis camping is funny." Bri told her daughter.
"That's it, we've got to get to civilization!" Louis protested.
"Alright, everyone in. Time to go." Bri directed and everyone got in the car.
Bri came to a stop at a small, remote general goods store.
"When is breakfast?" Kira asked.
"Now, we're gonna get breakfast now." Bri said.
"I would treat you to some waffles Kira, but your mummy threw my Visa card out the window." Louis explained.
"We couldn't use it anyway." Bri defended.
"Yeah, in case they might track us." Kira added.
Louis gave Bri the 'How the hell does she know that?' face. Bri did some serious self reflection at that moment.
Was this the person Kira was being raised to be?
"I've only got 12 bucks." Bri sighed rummaging through her small wallet.
"That's not enough to feed three." Lou said.
"Yeah I'm kind of aware of that, thank Lou!" Bri snapped. "Come on, I've got an idea."
First they had Louis go in and make his way to the back towards the breakfast foods. Bri then sent Kira in to be the distraction. Kira went over and grabbed a piece of candy and put it in her pocket. The clerk was watching her and stopped her when she went to leave. He told her nicely that she needed to pay first. Then Bri went in and acted like Kira just forgot to get money. While Bri was handing the clerk the money and being a distraction, Lou sneaked out with a bunch of foods without the clerk noticing. Bri paid the clerk for the candy and they walked out.
The plan worked and they drove away. They fled into another forest to eat in case the guy called the cops. Bri was wrenching off the license plate of the car while Lou and Kira were eating.
After Bri had succeeded she buried the license plate nearby. She walked up with a map she found in the console of the truck and sat down next to Lou and Kira. Of course Lou was making Kira laugh and telling her funny stories.
"Kira, what de did back there. We only do that if we absolutely have to." Bri told her.
"I know mom." She smiled.
All Bri really wanted in life was to keep Kira safe and make sure she's raised properly. But Bri wondered if bringing her with them was the right thing to do. Kira got up and walked over to the truck to change her clothes.
"I've been in this area before." Bri told Louis while looking at the map.
"Really, when?" He asked.
"A long time ago. . ." She whispered.
"There's a few cabin houses around here, maybe we can find an empty one and hold up there for tonight." She explained.
"Do you really think that's nessisary?" Lou asked.
"She needs a proper bed Lou." Bri told him as she watched Kira fold up her clothes and neatly place them in her bag.
They got in the car and drove a ways until they were about a 2 mile radius to the nearest house. They stopped, got all their stuff out and abandoned it.
They walked for a while until they came to a small, nicely furnished cabin.
"See, what did I tell you?" Bri said patting Lou's back.
Bri went right up to the door and Lou and Kira followed close behind. Bri pulled out her pocket knife and picked the lock. They walked in and Bri placed her bags right down. Louis felt uneasy breaking and entering like this. He didn't think it was right, and it scared him how instinctively Bri knew what to do in this situation and how she acted like it was okay.
Was she who he really thought she was?
He shook the thought from his head.
They decided who got what room and everything. Bri would sleep on a couch in the living room, Lou got a single room and as did Kira. They finally settled down and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night Louis was awoken by someone or something moving around outside. He got up and left his room. He saw the porch light outside turn on and went to wake Bri.
She was closest to the front door and the handle began to jiggle.
"Bri!" Louis whispered. "Bri, we've got to leave someone's here." he told her.
She slowly sat up and the front door swung open. They saw a man in the door way.
"Run!" Louis yelled and took off.
The man completely passed Bri and slammed Lou up against the wall.
"Who are you!?" the man yelled at Louis, the man was clearly the owner of the house and he had just caught an intruder. Bri was up on her feet tugging at the strangers arm.
Well at least Louis thought he was a stranger.
"Ty, let go of him!" Bri yelled.
The man looked at Bri and released Louis. He was tall and had dark black hair. He was tan and wore jeans and a t shirt.
"Brianna?!" he yelled.
"You know him?!" Louis exclaimed, very surprised.
But no one was listening to Lou.
"You've got a lot of nerve." The man said to Bri.
"We were in a jam!" Bri told him back.
"Hi I'm Louis." Louis greeted trying to get in on this conversation.
"You seem like a nice guy, but I don't want to know you, now get out!" the man yelled.
"Come on." Bri protested.
"GET OUT!" The man yelled again.
"Ty please!" Bri yelled again.
"Mummy?" a small voice echoed from the hallway.
Bri ran to her daughter and picked her up. She walked back to Louis and Ty.
"Kira I'm sorry we scared you, everyone's alright. It's just Ty, yeah. He's an old friend." Bri explained to Kira.
"Actually I'm not." he said mainly directed at Bri.
Kira looked at him carefully with her big eyes.
"Are you my dad?" she asked.
Ty had a look of astonishment and shock on his face.
"I don't know, am I?" he asked Bri, he knew the answer he just wanted to hear her say it.
"Bloody hell." Louis whispered realizing the resemblance between the man and Kira.
"Is he?" Louis asked to put the questions to rest.
"Do you know what Ty's short for?" Brianna asked rhetorically. Louis didn't answer. Brianna spoke again realizing how long it has been since she's seen this man.
"Hello Tyler."

When Worlds Colide (One Direction and Doctor Who Fanfic.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu