Chapter 22

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Sam's POV:

*the next day*

I walked out of Niall and I's room. Were going to drop Kira off at my moms house today, I called her yesterday and she said to come right over. I walked into the console room and Kira was sitting on one of her suitcases. Bri was standing next to her, talking to the Doctor. I looked at the clock on the console.

Date: 00/00/0000

Time: 00:00

Planet: -------------


City: -----------

"Where are we?" I asked looking at the clock.

"No where." the Doctor responded.

"No where?" I asked.

"Well we're in the time vortex, so technically we're no where and everywhere." he tried to explain.

"Just nod when he stops for a breath." Bri suggested.

We all laughed.

I continued to look at all the little buttons and levers on the console while Bri and the Doctor continued talking. I heard someone walk in.


I was hoping he'd forget so he wouldn't want to still meet my mother.

"Hello." he greeted, walking in.

"Hi." we all mumbled.

The Doctor walked up and did a few things to the console and we landed. I looked at the clock.

Date: 03/21/2014

Time: 12:00 pm

Planet: Earth

Continent: America

City: Bel Air

Yep, that's the right place! We all walked out, Niall was next to me. I could feel my hands starting to shake, I was nervous about him meeting my mom.

We walked out and were in front of the house I grew up in. We walked up the driveway and up the steps to the door. It was Bri, Kira, Niall and I.

Bri knocked on the door and I could hear Pickles barking.

Soon the door opened and my mom was standing there.

"Hey guys!" she yelled, hugging Bri.

"Hey Mrs. Jen." Bri responded.

Bri and Kira walked in and Niall was smiling awkwardly at my mom. I couldn't help but laugh.

"The famous Niall Horan!" she yelled shaking his hand.

Oh gosh.

Bri's POV:

Kira plopped herself in the couch like she always does when we visit. She has spent the night here so many times. Mrs. Jen absolutely loves her to death. Im just afraid Niall will wanna see Sam's room.

Before they met she was a major fan so her room is covered in 1D stuff, I can't stress it enough.

Sam and Niall eventually made their way up the steps and into the living room. Mrs. Jen came up too.

"Where's dad?" Sam asked.

"Out hunting with his friends." She sighed.

We sat there and talked for about a half hour or so, then Mrs. Jen did something Sam might never forgive her for.

"Niall, have you seen Sam's room?"

"No." he responded. I looked at Sam who just face-palmed.

I fell on the floor and started dying if laugher.

"SHUT UP BRIANNA!" Sam yelled.

Mrs. Jen got up and gestured for Niall to follow her. He got up and I just heard a little Niall laugh coming from Sam's room.

Niall came running out with Sam's cardboard cut out of himself. Sam just put her head between her knees.

"You're cheating on me!" Niall yelled barely containing his laughter.

Sam couldn't even stay mad then. She fell on the floor and started laughing.

Niall put himself down and we talked for about ten more minutes until the Doctor called my phone and said we had to hurry up.

"Okay, we have to go now." I told them.

Niall stood up quickly "It was nice meeting you." he said to Mrs. Jen once more.

"And you." she smiled.

Sam hugged her mother and as did I. I said goodbye to Kira and told her to call me every night. I thanked Mrs. Jen once more and we all piled out of the house.

We walked into the TARDIS to find everyone waiting for us.

"Ready to go?" the Doctor asked.

"Where?" I asked.

"Don't know. Im putting the TARDIS on shuffle under the complicated mode." he explained.

"Is it safe?" Zayn interrupted.

"Yes. . . No. . . Actually it might be total horror but I'm really excited to find out." The Doctor smiled while making everyone nervous.

I walked up to him.

"Doctor?" I asked.


"Shh." I told him.

We landed and we all looked at each other cautiously. I walked swiftly to the door and pulled it open and I was deeply disappointed.

"You put the TARDIS on shuffle and it brings us to exactly where we come from!" I yelled. We were a few miles away from Sam and I's apartment complex.

"What are the odds." Liam scoffed.

"Maybe there's something going on." the Doctor suggested.

"Lets find out." Sam said, walking out.

"Okay let's split up. Me and Louis, Sam and Niall, Doctor and Zayn, Liam and Harry." I commanded. Everyone nodded.

"I'm setting us up on a group text so we can talk openly." The Doctor informed typing onto Zayn's IPhone.

"Okay, Lou and I will head North. Sam and Niall, you're going East. Doctor and Zayn, you'll be heading West. Harry and Liam, South." I told them again.

"Alright, lets roll out." The Doctor informed.

We all walked in different directions.

"What are we looking for?" Lou asked.

"I don't know, anything that seems suspicious." I told him.

We were walking for a few minutes until Lou saw something.

"What's that girl doing?" Lou asked pointing to a girl standing on a train station platform. She was crying and taking off her shoes. I couldn't see her face, just her blonde hair.

I told Lou to stay put and I walked up behind her. I was about 3 feet away when she turned around.

She looked familiar. I had only just realized who she was when she turned around and started running. I was left in shock. Her purse and shoes were neatly on the platform. A train came by only seconds later and I had realized what she was doing.

She was going to kill herself.

I looked down at the purse and pulled out her wallet looking for answers. In the back of my mind I knew who she was, I just needed to be sure.

I pulled out her ID and read the name aloud.

Sanders, Brianna Michelle

She was me.

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