Chapter 58

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Bri's POV:

"Now?" I asked quickly sounding extremely surprised.

"Well in a few minutes anyways." the Doctor added.

"Do you need any help?" Louis asked while standing up.

So your boyfriend thinks he's tough, huh?

Oh shut up.

If he comes with us he'll get ripped to shreds.

I'm completely aware of that, thank you.

"Lou, we appreciate the help but we can't risk taking you into a dark forest where we will be hunted down by a pack of more than fifty wolves." I said.

"Why not? You don't think I can handle myself?" he said quite coldly.

I can't believe he's still upset about that.

I think that's a challenge.

"To be honest, no. I don't." I said back while crossing my arms.

"You don't think I'm a good shot?" he asked, acting somewhat mad.

"I don't think you've ever fired a gun before, Mr. Tomlinson." I said with a snarky attitude.

"I'm a quick learner." he smirked with a wink.

Ugh, get a room.

"And yes I have shot a gun before, I'm quite good actually." He added.

"Fine. If you want to come with us, then come. But it's your fault if you get ripped to shreds." I told him.

A winning smile plastered itself on his face, but he hasn't won yet.

Oh god, what are you going to do to him?

Nothing he can't handle.

"We should be leaving now." I announced.

"I think if Louis should get to go, we all should." Harry added.

Are they insane?

No, just suicidal.

I looked down at my left forearm which was all wrapped up. I started to undo the bandage. Everyone but Sam and the Doctor looked at me curiously.

"What's that?" Louis asked pointing to my arm.

Once I got the bandaging off I held up my forearm for the boys to see.

"This is the outcome for being in those woods for a mere five minutes. If Sam had not came when she did, it would be way worse. I might even be dead." I told them.

I looked at it and saw that some dead skin was hanging from my arm. All the boys had a look of horror and disgust on their face. Louis looked more concerned than anyone.

I pulled my arm out of the air and the Doctor wrapped it back up again.

"How many wolves was that?" Liam asked.

"One." I told him.

Don't forget about the bloodlust thing.

"One more thing. When a wolf tastes a certain amount of blood, they go on bloodlust. That means they will do anything to kill and taste blood. Sam nearly killed me while on bloodlust. She had no control over her body." I explained.

"S-she nearly killed you?" Zayn asked.

"Yep." I told him.

"So basically what you're saying is that our best ally may accidentally turn against us because of the fact that she's helping us?" Liam asked.

When Worlds Colide (One Direction and Doctor Who Fanfic.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon