Chapter 26

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Parallel Bri's POV:

I pulled up to the facility that this Liam guy trains at. I hope he's not a cocky ass, a lot of these MMA fighter guys are.

I parked and grabbed the small duffle bag. Tyler told me that I was just suppose to give him the whole bag.

Get in, then get out Brianna I whispered to myself in my head as I opened the door.

The smell of BO and energy drinks hit me like a brick wall. I heard pounding if someone punching a bag. The sound was matched with soft grunting coming from the same direction.

I walked around the small wall that blocked the view. A guy about my age with a buzz cut was hitting a punching bag. I walked up behind him and cleared my throat. He turned around and looked slightly startled.

"Liam?" I asked.

"Y-yea, Im L-Liam." he stuttered.

I handed him the duffle and turned to walk out.

"What's your name?" he asked walking in front of me.

"Why?" I asked.

"I prefer doing business with people I know." He said, rubbing the back if his neck.

"You don't know me and trust me, you don't want to." I told him.

"Is it true? Does the stuff in the movies really happen? The car chases, suicides. . . Death." he swallowed.

"Sometimes. Why?" I asked.

"I just want to know what I'm dealing with."

"Did Deonté make any threats towards you if you lose this match?" I asked.

"No, why?" he asked

"Do us all a favor, don't use those drugs."

"But Deonté-"

"Deonté won't do shit. If you lose the match, you lose the match. He knows it, you know it. Just don't get addicted. Then you've screwed everyone over."

"Why are you telling me this? You work for them."

"I know, but Im not afraid to speak my mind when I know a dumb choice is about to be made."

"Why are you helping me?" He asked.

"I suppose I have just one tiny little scrap of decency left." I smiled at him.

I pulled my black shades over my eyes and walked out. I got in my car to see that Liam had come out of the complex and was standing right outside my door. I rolled down my window.

"What?" I asked.

"Will you be at the match?" he asked.

"Probably not, I'm not ranked that high." I told him as I pulled out.

"I never did catch your name!" he yelled out to me.

"And for your safety, you never will." I yelled as I drove away.

I drive down the road wondering if I should have said anything at all. I drove back to the HQ and walked into Deonté's office.

"Done." I told him.

"Good. Did he seem interested?" he asked.

"Very." I smirked thinking about what really went down.

"You pass the test. Now I need to show you something secret." he said.

He stood next to me and pushed gently on the center of my back, I started to walk to a big metal door that I hadn't have noticed before.

I walked in and Deonté was by my side. There were cells lined up on the sides of the rooms. I felt a shiver shoot through my back.

"We have started to create different types of drugs to be sold on the market. These drugs are easier to buy and sell because they aren't illegal, just undiscovered. But first we have to test the effects and finding willing volunteers is very hard now a days.

So, we have had to kidnap people to test our new products. These are the peoples' cells." he explained.

He walked me over to the closest cell. A boy about my age sat in the far corner with his knees to his chin. He looked up and saw me.

"Brianna!" he yelled in relief.

"And you are. . .?" I asked.

"Are you crazy? It's me Louis." he said standing up.

"I don't know anyone named Louis." I told him.

Deonté closed the cell door. Who was he? How did he know me? I just followed Deonté down the hallway trying to forget this strange encounter.

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