Hit-and-run (Harry)

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“Hey, Hazza...” Louis said, with a sleepy voice.

“L...Lou?” Harry asked, a bit confused.

“Shhh... easy, I'm here.” Louis started stroking his boyfriend's hand to comfort him.

Harry tried to sit up but directly regret it.

“Ow, ouch. I'm hurting everywhere... what happened?”

“You don't remember? You... got hit by a car.”

“Oh... yes... I remember now... I wanted to go left, and then a car hit my wheel. I tried to get up to go to the office... but next thing I remember is that I saw a car drive away as fast as it could. And the next thing I know is that I'm here...”


“Louis... p... please don't scream... my head hurts...” Harry said, squeezing his eyes shut.

“Sorry... it just makes me mad, what if you died over there?”

“s okay... I'm not dead... but I'm hurting so badly...”

“I can believe that, your elbow is broken, you have a few broken ribs, a concussion and a big cut on your head.”

“Oh.. well that explains it. Shit, what about our shows and the festivals and... OW....”

“Easy Harry, you have to take it easy. Don't worry about all of that. I'll post something on Twitter later today to explain the fans what happened. You have to rest for the next couple of weeks the doctor said.

“Mmmh... okay... I'm tired...”

“Sleep a little. It's good for you. I'll be here when you wake up.”

“Okay, thanks Lou.”

“No problem.”

Harry fell asleep very fast. Louis took another look at his boyfriend, and felt tears coming. He started crying. What kind of asshole doesn't stop when he hits someone?

Harry woke up after a few minutes, because Louis was blowing his nose loudly. He wanted to ask him to be a bit more quiet because of his head, but then he saw his eyes. Completely red because of crying.

“Hey... Lou... are you okay? You cried...”

“Oh, Hazza... sniff... when I got... sniff... that phone call... I thought... I really thought you were almost dead... and then you told me that bastard didn't even help you and....”

Harry moved a little bit towards the right side, to make place for Louis.

“Oh, Lou... come here...”

“I'm going to hurt you when I come to sit there.”
“No, no you won't, it's fine, come here.” Harry assured.

Louis went to sit next to his brother on the hospital bed.
Harry put his good arm on his back and started to rub it softly.

“Hey... Lou... it's okay, shhh... it's okay. I'm here, and I'm going to recover. It's gonna take a little time, but in a few weeks I'm as good as new.”


Then suddenly a man and and old woman entered the room.

“Hello? And who are you two?” Harry asked, confused.

“I'm the person who called the ambulance. I wanted to see how you are.” The woman said.

“That's kind of you. And who are you?” Louis asked to the man.

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