A New Beginning (pt. 6)

Começar do início

“I don’t have a problem with her. I just don’t want it become a problem for your relationship. Just in case that she has an issue with you hanging out with me,” Stella explained quickly, trying not to sound hostile.

Kendall pressed both of her lips just so she wouldn’t blurt it out that, she indeed would have a huge fucking trouble if Cara found out she actually did hang out with Stella quite often.

In fact, she was already in the risk of having a trouble. If Cara found out that she spent a Saturday night with Stella, she would be doomed.

Definitely would be in a deep shit trouble.

But somehow, instead of being logical, Kendall blurted something that she wouldn’t think she would ever say to a person that her girlfriend very jealous of.

“Sure. Text me whenever.”

Which Kendall immediately widened her brown eyes hearing her own mouth answered something against her brain.

What the hell?

“Sweet.” Stella grinned wide. “See you again soon, then.”

Kendall nodded dumbly as she watched Stella walked away from her, then the slim blonde wave at her before she went to the hall toward the elevator. Kendall stood there, in front of her apartment for another minute, just to processing what the fuck just happened.

Why am I looking forward to meet her again?


It was already past midnight and Kendall was ready to go to bed after she’d just finished one of her assignments for her Monday class. She couldn’t help frowning when she checked her phone one more time, as well as feeling disappointed. She thought by now she would already receive several text messages from her girlfriend as usual.

Despite she never replied any of them for the past twenty four hours, it didn’t mean she didn’t like reading Cara’s texts. So when she received none of it that night, Kendall couldn’t help but to feel sad and disappointed.

The tall brunette began to wonder what Cara was doing that night. Was she home yet? Had she eaten yet? Was she okay? Who’s she spending her day with? Or, what if she’s sick at that moment?

Kendall couldn’t help getting worried. She was contemplating to call Cara or maybe just text Suki so that she could ask about her girlfriend. But then, after long minutes of thinking, she decided not to.

She didn’t want to appear as clingy, or worse, she didn’t want Cara to think she already forgot about their argument. So instead; she went lying on her bed, ready to get some sleep when she heard loud noises coming from the front door.

She immediately opened her eyes, because of the loud noises.

She swore she could hear her apartment’s front door being knocked so loud, she was sure it made the door rattled. She sat up, listening carefully once more. When she was sure her ears didn’t play a trick on her, she got out of the bed and she hurriedly walked out from her room when she indeed heard the loud bangs from the front door.

BANG…!! BANG…!! BANG…!!!

Hearing the loud bang on her front door automatically made Kendall panicked. Her heart was thumping like crazy, because how terrified she was. She began to think that there were some bad people wanted to barge into her apartment, and would rob or hurt her or something. She was scared shitless thinking what the worst could happen since she was by herself at the moment, so there was no one who could help her.

Not Everyone's Cup of Tea (on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora