The Babysitter's Club

Start from the beginning

"That's right."

Gaara watched on expectantly as Naruto gingerly placed his hands under Shisui's body and slowly lifted him to his shoulder, careful not to be too rough with him as he did so. Gently, he lay Shisui on his shoulder and began lightly rubbing his back, attempting to coax a burp out of the newborn.

At the sight of the baby, Ayumi's head turned around in interest, and she held out her hands towards Naruto. The adults all laughed as Ayumi called out to Naruto, her little hands making grabbing motions as Gaara walked over towards Naruto's side.

"That's your little brother!" said Gaara, showing Ayumi her brother from a safe distance. He was distrustful of her rattle, and really didn't want anyone else from their family to be injured tonight.

"Look, she wants a kiss!" laughed the nurse, clasping her hands together. Gaara and Naruto exchanged looks of concern, both unsure of what to do.

"Um... can she?" finally asked the Uzumaki, knowing that neither he nor Gaara knew what was best.

"Of course!" said the nurse, carefully removing the rattle from Ayumi's grasp. "A small kiss wouldn't hurt."

"Ayumi, give Shisui a kiss!"

Gaara watched on anxiously as Ayumi leaned forward and placed her lips against Shisui's forehead, before retracting with a loud laugh and clapping her hands together.

"Look, she knows him already," said the nurse reassuringly, before glancing at her wristwatch. "It's a little early, though- is she an early bird?"

"Uh, she woke up crying this morning, and I didn't know what to do with her so I took her for a walk outside," said Gaara cautiously, fearing being reprimanded for his actions. "She's been fine ever since then, though. We had breakfast already, too."

"What did she eat?"

"Um... I gave her some oatmeal and a bit of banana...?"

"Right, sounds good. Does she have any baby bottles prepared from mum?"

"I'm not sure..."

"That's alright," said the nurse, who had since pulled out a pen and was writing on the back of her hand. "We'll try out some baby formula on her for the time being. Do you know whether she drinks predominantly breast milk, or formula?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know..."

Gaara looked at Naruto in discomfort, hoping that it would somehow alleviate the spotlight focused on him.

"That's okay. I've already explained to Naruto that I'll be coming in every couple of hours to check up on Shisui and when he needs to be fed; however, it's up to you two to change diapers. That goes for both Ayumi and Shisui. Does Ayumi have a bag?"

"Yeah, I think so..."

As the nurse began giving the two males instructions on how to take care of the children for the time being, Gaara and Naruto continuously exchanged looks of confusion, yet strove to take in every single word the nurse was saying in order to make sure they didn't screw anything up.

"... any questions?"

The nurse was perky as ever as she finished her list of instructions for the pair, and was answered with a couple of weak "No..."'s.

"That's great! I'll be back in a couple of hours," she smiled cheerfully, leaving Gaara and Naruto to their own devices. As soon as she left, the two let out simultaneous groans.

"Hey Gaara, nice kid you've got there," snickered Naruto at the sight of the high and mighty Kazekage bouncing around a child on his hip as he tried to keep her entertained. Gaara scowled, and shot back, "Same goes for you, Naruto. Made him burp yet?"

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