Tho-Macoroni and Cheese-Jefferson x Reader

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Modern AU. Requested by kittengirl1516. :)

You and Johnny Laurens are best friensssssss.

Your POV:

You hummed softly as you walked along the road, going no where in particular. You arrived at the library and went into the History section. You suddenly bumped into someone and fell to the floor.

"Oh, sorry, sorry!" You said softly, grabbing you purse and starting to stand. You saw a hand reaching out to you, and took it.

"No, it was my fault." Thomas Jefferson, your crush from work said, pulling you up. Jesus, he was tall. You were inches away from his chest, bright red. You looked up. Thomas gently took your chin and pulled you up. You giggled.

"You're gonna break my neck. Lean down, or pick me up." You laughed quietly. Thomas rolled his eyes and leaned down, kissing you softly. You blushed, but kissed back without hesitation.

Johnny Boi's POV:

I walked into the library and walked past the History section, and into the animals section, when I spotted two familiar faces.

Y/n had her mouth on Thomas Jefferson's, and wasn't pulling away. I blushed, and watched for a moment, trying to pick up some tips, them snapped out of it, backing up and leaving, smiling.

"ALEX. I SAW SOMETHING." I said loudly as I opened the door to my boyfriend's house.

"What I thought you lost your key." Alexander said.

"I may or may not have climbed in through the window. Anyway, I just saw Y/n kissing Thomas Jefferson!" I squealed. Alex's face hardened.

"Your best friend was kissing my worst enemy? This is treason." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Chill, love. I'm just saying! I ship them!" I squealed, kissing his cheek to make him shut up. He blushed and stopped.

"Fine." He muttered.

Your POV:

You pulled away, panting and blushing.

"Is this...would this be a one night stand, or are you looking for something meaningful...?" You asked hesitantly.

"What do you think? Jefferson whispered, taking your hands.

"That's why I'm asking you, idiot." You giggled.

"The latter, if I'm being honest, love." He breathed.

"Huh." You said, kissing his nose. "Good answer."


"Hurt her and I'll set my turtle army loose on you." John told Thomas, hugging you protevtivly.

"Yeah. Then I'll ruin your reputation until you can't show your face in public." Alex said, hugging you tightly.

"...Great. Can I have my girlfriend back now?" Thomas asked, rolling his eyes and taking your hands, pulling you towards him, then kissing you softly.

"Nu." John whined.

"Heck you." Jefferson said, hugging you.

Hamilton x Reader Oneshots (REQUESTS CLOSED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon