King George x Soulmate!Reader Part 2

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Requested by camryn0707!

Here's some fluffing fluff for you, mother fluffers. XD

This is a sequel to the one I posted last week, where you and the king are soulmates.

Your POV:

You squealed, not controlling yourself very well as you stepped into the palace. The king smiled down at you.

"Sorry! I'm just, eek! It's like a dream." You sighed dreamily. George had a slight blush on his pale cheeks. You held tightly to his hand.

"Wanna see something fun?" He asked, eyes bright. You nodded. He lead you to the stairs and you walked up, stopping at the top. He sat on the banister and lifted you into his lap. You blushed. He kicked off and you slid down the long banister, squealing happily.

He jumped neatly down at the bottom, you still in his arms. Your hair was a mess, and you were breathless, but that was fun as heck.

"Awesome. You are awesome, this is awesome, hecking everything here is awesome." You said excitedly. He smiled at you.

"Come on, let's go up to my room." He said, winning.

A little later

"Aaahhh!~ George, it hurts!" You screamed.

"The maids will think we're doing something dirty, Y/n. Just move your pawn and let me capture your king."  The king said, rolling his eyes at you, figiting with one of your knights he had captured from your side of the chessboard. You sighed and let him win, grumbling that you weren't good at strategy games. [You pervs were thinking something dirty, weren't you. =-= I'm onto you. XD]

George laughed and hugged you.

"@$$hat." You muttered grumpily. The king chuckled again and kissed your cheek.

"You're so cute." He whispered into your hair. You shivered as you felt his breath on your neck.

"Oh yeah?" You breathed. He nodded and kissed your lips softly. You blushed and pushed him down, onto the floor. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed back, deeply. George smirked and ran his fingers through your hair, swiping hid tongue against your lower lip. You blushed and opened your mouth slightly, letting him in.

You pulled away after a few minutes, a thread of saliva connecting you.

"We should do that more." George panted.

"Most definitely." You said, flopping down next to him.

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