Hercules Mulligain x Reader ~Ambulance~

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Modern AU!

Also, guys, I am in such a great mood right now, and writing this fluffy, cute stuff is just so fun right now!!! >~<

Anyway, I don't think anyone reads the author's notes, but if you are..... *clicks tongue happily* *finger guns* We're friends now. :P

Your POV:

"Sh*t! Ow!" You yelped, hissing and cradling your bleeding finger. You had just gotten a paper cut and it hurt like h*ll.

"Whhheeee oooooooh, whhheeeee ooooooooh, whhheeeeee ooooooooh." Hercules said, walking into the bathroom. You giggled.

"What are you doing....?" You asked, laughing.

"Whhheeee oooooooh, whhheeeee ooooooooh, whhheeeeee ooooooooh." He continued, getting a box of band aids from the top shelf. You sucked on your finger and laughed at him.

"Whhheeee oooooooh, whhheeeee ooooooooh, whhheeeeee ooooooooh." Herc sang, placing the band air on your finger.

"You're such a dork." You said, giggling and kissing his cheek.

"I knoooooowww!" He said in a sing song voice, kissing you on the lips.

"I love you. Cuddle session while binging Harry Potter?" You suggested.

"I'll get the ice cream!" Herc said excitedly. You laughed. You got all the blankets and pillows in the house and piled them onto the couch, then put in the first Harry Potter movie. You snuggled up to Hercules and rested your head on his shoulder. About halfway through the movie, you heard soft snores, and looked up to see that he had fallen asleep. You giggled quietly and turned off the tv, then cuddled closer, drifting off as well.

Hamilton x Reader Oneshots (REQUESTS CLOSED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя