Anthony Ramos x Ballerina!Reader

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Requested by mercker. :3

Your POV:

You hummed softly as you untied your point shoes. You packed your things into your dance bag and stood up, waving to your friends, then stepping outside into the cold winter air. You got out your phone and started texting your best friend.

You: Anikin I need a ride home.

Anthony: stap calling me that.

You: never.

You: srsly please pick me up I'm going to freeze to death.

You: my fingers are going to fall off and turn into those little mini frozen hot dogs.

You: plez.

Anthony: dude chill I'm already there.

You looked up and saw Ramos' car in front of you. You laughed.

"You asshole." You said, giggling and hopping inside. Anthony laughed.

"You know you love me." He pointed out. You giggled and snuggled next to him.

"Oh! Hey, I just composed a dance for a contest a while ago, but I can't find the perfect song. Halp me." You remembered, perking up. Anthony smiled.

"I might be able to throw something together for you." He said thoughtfully. "Can I see the dance?" He asked. You nodded.

"I'll show you when we get to your house." You said. He nodded.

"Mmh kay." He agreed, humming softly and drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. You grinned and leaned your head on his shoulder, watching the road ahead. You felt him tense up, and blushed slightly.

You arrived at his house, then showed him the dance.

"Right. I'll get back to you with a complete song in a week, mark my words." He promised you.

"You are literally the best human on the earth." You said, kissing his cheek, and squealing.

"Heh, thanks." He blushed. "Wanna watch a-" "Movie? Would I ever." You finished, plopping down on his couch and turning on the tv. Anthony laughed.

"You know me so well, you little bean." He said, sitting next to you. You cuddled up to him and draped your legs over his, wrapping your arms around his neck. (Lmao just like us at my house, eh, BtsandPhan? XDD)

1 week later (I'm writing a chapter nightly! XD), you forced Anthony to pick you up from ballet again.

"Right. The contest is in 3 days. You better have the song-" You said as you climbed into his car. He shushed you and turned on the radio.

"I was told that a life has no price, you see
But the hate in your eyes put a price on me." You heard Anthony's voice sing. You stopped breathing as you listened to the song.

It finished, and you almost (okay you actually) screamed.

"Eek! Annie! Thank you so much!" You squealed, hugging him tightly. He swerved a bit, laughing. "I'm gonna drive the car off the road." He giggled. You blushed. You have had a crush on Anthony for a long time, but had never told him.

You got home and practiced the dance to the music a couple times, then went to bed early.

The night of the contest arrived, and you took Anthony with you.

"Oh my god I'm gonna puke, hug me please." You panted, terrified. Anthony laughed and hugged you.

"Come on, you're gonna be perfect." He assured you. You shivered.

"I am so scared holy crap." You squeaked. He hugged you again, then pushed you towards the dressing room.

"Go, I'm pretty sure your costume's waiting in there." He told you. You nodded and went inside. You found the hanger with your name on it, and took the outfit off.

It was grey, with sparkles everywhere, with a matching tutu. You squealed softly and hugged it, then put it on. You tied up your hair, then your shoes and did make-up. You sat on a bench in the dressing room and waited for your name to be called. 

"Y/n L/n, with the song 'Freedom' by her friend Anthony Ramos!" Was eventually announced, and you took a deep breath and walked on to the stage.  

Your entire dance was a blur, and when it finished, you curtseyed breathlessly to the judges, then walked over to wings again, a little dizzy. You chugged half a bottle of water, then sat on a bench backstage. 

After everyone finished, they called for everyone to come back on to the stage. The dancers all lined up downstage while the judges decided. 

"And the winner of the thousand (whatever unit of currency you use. Dollars, pounds, etc.) prize is....Y/n L/n!" You froze and your eyes widened. You squealed softly and ran over to Anthony, who was sitting on the stage. He grinned and wrapped his arms around your waist, then lifted you up in the air. You giggled and kissed him deeply. He laughed and kissed back after a couple moments. You heard "Aww"s from the audience, then pulled away, You were bright red, then went to go accept your weirdly large check. 

"Thank you so much." You said the the judges, smiling brightly as your picture was taken. 

You left later, and held Anthony's hand in the car. 

" you wanna go out for a celebratory dinner now?" He asked. You nodded and kissed his cheek. "Of course." You said, smiling. 

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Guess what?" You asked, leaning your head on his shoulder. 

"What?" He asked, laughing.

"I love you." You said, blushing.

"Obviously. I love you too." He said, kissing your nose, then looking back at the road. 

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