Thayne x Bulimic!Abused!Reader PART 2

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This was actually requested by 3 people! Ayrissa_Christensen requested first, and pmed me a storyline, and pseudosatanistka_ and kittengirl1516 replied to her comment.

Also, I just posted a face reveal, and I got so many sweet comments, and they really just made my day. Thank you all so much, and thank you to BtsandPhan for letting me put her beautiful face on my story. I wuv you my little baguette child. :) XD

I'll shut up now, I talk too much anyway. XDD

Your POV: (this takes place directly after part 1)

You turned bright red as you sat on your bed, ice cream in hand. You sighed and flopped backwards, smiling giddily. You'd never really done anything as impulsive as that, and you were kind of shocked at yourself.

A couple days later, you were over your ex, he was an asshole anyway, and you were thinking about Thayne nearly every minute. One afternoon, you decided to give him a call.

"Helloo?" You asked as your phone clicked and stopped ringing.

"Hi! Y/n, right?" Thayne's voice asked. You blushed slightly.

"Mmh hmm! I guess I made an impression, huh?" You laughed nervously. "Sorry about that." You said sheepishly. .

"Hah, don't worry, I like it." He said. You turned bright red.

"O-oh! Okay, um, then, would you maybe like to, that is to say, would you theoretically, like, go on a date with me?" You asked. Lin walked through the door, holding a fake crown and a huge feather pen. (I swear it's not a sex thing, it's for the king George costume, and one of Alexander's prop pens. XDD)

"Don't ask." He said quietly as he walked past. You looked confused, then laughed softly.

"Uhm, sorry, Lin is being weird as hell." You giggled. "Anyway, would you maybe like to go on a date with me, then?" You asked nervously.

"Oh! Of course! I'll meet you at (your favorite restaurant) tomorrow at, say, 6?" Thayne suggested.

"O-okay! See you then!" You said happily, grinning.

"Whooo!" You yelled as you hung up. Lin snorted, walking back downstairs.

"Is my widdle baby sister going on another date?!" He said, laughing.

"Shuddup." You said, blushing.

You stood just outside the restaurant the next evening. You weren't having a great day. You had speed eaten lunch, then heaved it back up shortly after, so you were starving, weak and not in a happy mood.

You sat on a bench outside and waited for Thayne to arrive.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late, traffic sucked." He said, jogging up to you. You smiled weakly at him.

"Oh, it's fine, I understand." You assured him. You smiled at him and took his hand, walking into the restaurant.

"Oh no." You said quietly as you stopped in your tracks.

"What? What?! What is it?!" Thayne panicked.

"...That's my ex..." You sighed, biting your lip.

"Oh! Oh...." He said, realization dawning on him. "Whatever, we can just ignore him, m'kay?" He suggested. You nodded

You actually had a very nice dinner, though you caught your ex staring at you two a couple of times. At the end of the evening, you walked past his table, when you heard him utter and unspeakable word under his breath. Thayne turned bright red and turned on his heel, punching your ex square in the face.

"You little b*tch. Why don't you go puke in a toilet so you don't look so ugly." Your ex cussed you out even more. You flinched. 

I'll not go into details, but at the end of the night, your ex had a bloody nose and was being hand cuffed next to a police car, and Thayne had a black eye and a couple bruises. (Thayne auto corrected to Thyme. XDD)

You gave Thayne your jacket, because his was ripped, so he tied it around his waist, and he was shivering. He looked up at you and smiled, thanking you.

"Hey...your ex in there...he said something about puking to stay thin, or something...?" He trailed off. "You don't have to explain I was just-" "No, no, it's fine." You said.

"I have bulimia, that's what he was talking about. Uhm. Sorry, I guess I should have told you it's just I didn't want to ruin the night or anythi-" You rambled. "Why would that ruin anything?" Thayne asked, taking your hands.

You blushed and shrugged. "I don't know... my ex always acted like it was the plague." You tucked your hair behind your ear and stepped a bit closer.

"I like everything about you." Thayne said. You could feel his breath on your face and blushed darker.

"Really?" You whispered, grabbing the front of his shirt and kissing him deeply.


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