Modern AU Lafayette x Reader

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A/n: Wow, 4 chapters in one day. Holy shit. (I'm not even gonna censor that, in so impressed. At myself.)

Anyway, here ya go!

Your POV:

You were just walking to class one day, when you remembered something.

"Sh*t!" You yelped, grabbing your phone and texting your mom.

N/n: Maman ai-je laissé le four allumé?!?!  (Mom did i leave the oven on?!?!)

You were learning French, but your mom was already fluent, so you practiced with her.

Maman: Non, ne vous inquiétez pas. (No, don't worry.)

You sighed and muttered words of relief in French.

"Dieu merci..." You said under your breath. Your house wasn't gonna burn down!

"Tu parle français?" (You speak French?) Asked Lafayette, a friend of your brother. You wheeled around.

"Oui! Ma mère m'apprend et John!" (Yes! My mom is teaching me and John!) You told the brown haired, brown eyed Frenchman.

"Cool! Anyway, what were you swearing about earlier?" Laf asked, laughing. He was always worried about other peoples' well being. You giggled.

"Oh, I was just baking this morning, and I thought I forgot to turn the oven off." You explained, motioning to the flour in your hair. Lafayette chuckled.

"Oh, speaking of, do you know John's phone number? I'm the only one in the group that doesn't have it." He asked.

"Oh, sorry, I don't know it either. I can give you mine instead though!" You suggested, scribbling down your phone number. He grinned.

"Merci mademoiselle." Lafayette said, grinning. You smiled and blushed slightly.

The bell rang, and you said goodbye, then walked to class. Most of the day went without flaw, but right before 7th period, Charles Lee and his band of cronies strutted up.

"Hey.~" Lee said, winking. You rolled your eyes.

"What do you want, Lee?"

"Not even on a first name basis, are we?" He asked, pouting. He had a lustful gleam in his eyes that you didn't like.

You took a step backward, but he only followed you, puckering his lips and winking again. You shivered, but you were frozen. You closed your eyes, bracing.

Suddenly, someone's lips collided with yours, passionately kissing you. Your eyes snapped open, to see....Lafayette! Lafayette, your biggest crush was kissing you!

You squeaked and melted into the kiss. French kiss, I might add.

After a few, too short moments, you pulled away. Lafayette glared at Lee.

"Were you trying to kiss my girlfriend?" Laf asked, his voice dangerously low. Lee squeaked and ran away.

You were blushing bright red.

"GaSP. Y/n!" Squealed your older brother, John Laurens. You pulled your eyes away from Lafayette's dreamy, chocolate brown ones and saw John Laurens, Hercules Mulligain and Alexander Hamilton staring at you and Laf.

"Étiez-vous en train de nous espionner?!" You yelped. (Were you spying on us?!)

"Maybe..." John replied, smirking.

"You little *sshat...." You muttered, blushing. Alexander was frantically texting, probably writing y/s/n fanfiction, and Hercules was silently fangirling, and John was loudly fangirling.


"Merde." Lafayette muttered.

"Just ignore them." He said, blushing as well.

"How?" You asked.

"Like this." He said, wrapping one hand in your hair, and the other around your waist. You blushed bright red, but indeed ignored the rest of the Hamilsquad spying on you. You heard the clicks of camera shutters, but didn't care.

All that mattered right now was you and Lafayette. ♡♡

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