John Laurens x Reader

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Requested by Soren_MCSM_TrashBag! (Oml you have such a long username. 😱😱 XDD

Your POV:

You grinned at your boyfriend.

"John, I'll be fine. Let's just get this battle other with, then we can quit and settle down." You assured him. Laurens still looked uneasy.

"O-okay..." He said. You rolled your eyes.

"I'm the first woman, and best soldier in this entire army, I'll be fine." You said, snickering.

The battle started.

You were getting a bit reckless at the 5 hour mark, and you were less careful. You suddenly felt a hand over your mouth, and another grabbing your wrists behind you back.

You were captured, and brought to the British camp, where you were thrown into a prison cell immediately.

You were there, starving to death, for 2 years. You figured out how to escape eventually. One night, while the soldiers and guards were drinking, you slipped through the bars of your cell, climbed out of the tent, and sprinted to the fence. You slipped through the hole where the dogs came and went from, then ran to the horse stables.

You picked the biggest, strongest horse, and clambered on. You urged it on, and rode back towards the American base.

You arrived at the medics' tent at about three in the morning, jumped off your horse, and walked inside.

"Tell the general Y/n L/n's back." You said, grinning dryly. The young assistant nodded, and rushed off to Washington's tent. You sat on a cot, and after a moment, the head medic and George came over frantically. The doctor tended to your wounds you got from riding and crawling through a doggy door, while Washington stood there, open mouthed.

"Y/n! We thought you were dead!" He said, telling the assistant to wake Alexander, John, Hercules and Lafayette. You explained what happened while you were gone, and after you finished, the four men came sprinting in, sleepy.

You smiled weakly at them. John saw you and froze. He walked to your bedside, hesitantly tapping your shoulder, as if checking that you were really there. He squealed softly and hugged you tightly. You smiled again.

6 Weeks later, you were physically healed, but mentally unstable. You had nightmares daily and panic attacks often. You also had next to no memory of your old friends. John was with you all the time, but you didn't remember him much. You were still polite, but it wasn't the same as before.

"Hey...I can stop pestering you all the time if you just seems like you don't want me around." John said one day, looking at his shoes. You looked up.

"What? No, I...I actually really appreciate it..." You said shyly, blushing. "I know I can't remember you, seem like an incredibly sweet and caring guy. I was lucky to be your girlfriend." You said softly.

John sat next to you and gently took your hand.

"No...I was lucky..." He said. You smiled and kissed his cheek quickly.

"I think we both were, then." You agreed, leaning in. John blushed and leaned in too.

"Yeah. We are." He said as you kissed him softly.

"We are." You agreed again.

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