Sammy Boi x Dog Loving!Reader

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Requested by Ayrissa_Christensen. :)

You work at an animal shelter. 🐾🐾

Modern AU.

Your POV:

You pulled your h/l, h/c hair into a messy bun and brushed a lock out of your eyes. You flipped the closed sign to open, and walked behind the corner. You got out a small dog bed and retrieved a couple golden retriever puppies from the back, placing then gebtly in the bed. (Geddit, cuz, like, retrieved, and retriever....? Heheheheheheheh.)

You had a couple people come in, but right before your break, a really cute guy walked in. You frantically fixed your hair, then started playing with the puppies.

"Hiya. I'm, uh, looking for a small dog, that's very friendly, but also cool with just sitting at home all day with me. Any ideas for a breed?" He asked. You hummed thoughtfully.

"Probably a golden retriever, actually. They're very friendly, and I could honestly pet one for 8 hours straight. Which, I do, so that's perfect." You giggled. "You can come say hi to these lil' guys if you want." You offered, gesturing to the three puppies, one in your lap, one asleep, and one climbing all over the cash register.

"Ooh! Thank you." He said, grinning and picking one up. It immediately licked his face, its little tail wagging at lightning speed.

You giggled and watched him, gazing into his eyes, blushing slightly.

"So...what's your name?" You asked, drumming your fingers on the desk.

"Samuel Seabury. Cue the water and fruit puns, I know." He laughed, rolling his eyes. You snorted.

"Does that happen often? I'm Y/n." You grinned.

"More then you'd think, actually. Pleasure to meet you." Samuel chuckled.

"You too." You said, smiling.

He eventually decided to get the puppy, then you helped him pick a collar, food, bowls, leash, and toys.

"Right, well I think you're all set to leave. Which is good, but bad because you're really cute." You pouted. He blushed. "W-well, uh, here." He said, grabbing a pen and scribbling his number on the receipt.

"Thanks." You said, winking and blowing a kiss at him as he left, blushing. He was bright red as well.

"Y-yeah. Text me." He said, smiling.

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