Soulmate! Phillip x Soulmate! Reader

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Requested by XxCleoYukixX! Go follow her, and me, while you're at it! 😁😁

Modern and College AUs!

This is a soulmate AU where whatever mark you get on your skin your soulmate gets it too so one day, you just kind of just get a sharpie and start writing on your skin. You definitely didn't expect to get a reply, but you did. Now it's five in the morning and you're just about covered in ink and this will be a pain to wash off later.

Your POV:

You groaned, where was your phone?! 

"Hey, Anne?" You asked your roommate.

"Ye?" She replied, poking her head around the corner.

"Can you call my phone? I can't find it." You said, putting your hands on your hips and looking around. She nodded and got her own phone out.

You perked up as your ringtone sang from under a pile of stuffed animals and pillows. You dove towards said pile and dug through it.

"Got it!" You yelled triumphantly, waving your phone in the air. Anne laughed at you and you rolled your eyes. 

"This is my baby, if it cracks, I will cry." You said, giggling.

It was time for class soon, so you texted your twin sister, Theodosia Burr. 

Y/n: Wanna meet at Starbucks before class?

Theo <3: Mm k. 

You smiled and put your phone in your purse, where it belongs, and grabbed your backpack.

"I'm off to class, see ya later, Anna banana!" You said, walking out of the dorm. She waved as you left, and you met your sister at the Starbucks on campus.

"Heya! Got a boyfriend yet?" You jokingly asked your twin. She was very shy, and never talked to many people, and you teased her about it sometimes. She blushed.

"No, of course I don't. How have you been?" Theo asked. You smiled and hugged her.

"Good, but honestly sis, it's been 3 days since we last saw each other, it's not that long." You laughed. She shrugged.

"I just missed you." She said, smiling.

You walked together to class, but had to split up.

"See ya around!"

Your sister just laughed, waved and jogged off to class.

You say in the back of the lecture, as usual, when the five worst words a professor can utter.

"This is a group project."

You heard a general groan of disapproval from the class. You felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned around, to see your biggest crush, Phillip Hamilton looking at you.

"Wanna be partners?" He asked. You blushed, and sputtered.

"U-u-uh! Okay!" You said articulately.

"Cool. Here's my number, text me what time and place we can meet up." He said cool-ly.

You blushed more and nodded, taking the piece of paper from your crush.

You walked to your next class. English and Grammar. So. Boring.

You started doodling on your arm out of boredom. You got out a red sharpie and drew some hearts leaking blood. (I have a weird obsession with taking red markers, facepaint and pencils and drawing blood dripping from random sh*t. I've done from my nails, from a fake hole in my hand, my eyes, my arms, my knees, and a lot of drawings. Idk why I do this. It's fun to draw with such a bright color, and drawing drips is fun....)

You wrote lyrics to your favorite songs, your celebrity crushes' names, and even some music notes to a song you might compose later. A minute or so later, blue sharpie writing appeared on your arm.

"What the heck? Is there someone there? A ton of red doodles just started drawing themselves on my arm??" You gasped quietly.

"Yeah! I'm here. Uhm. This is weird. What does one usually do in a situation like this?"  You wrote back quickly.

"Idk. I have a fun game, how bout we don't tell each other who we are for a week, and then meet irl, okay? No telling names or locations." The blue sharpie guy wrote. You smiled.

"Ok! I'm 20 years old, I'm a girl, and I like doodling on my skin." You wrote jokingly.

"Cool! I'm 20 as well, a boy, and same. XP" You smiled.

"Can I call you blue sharpie?" You wrote.

"Sure. I get to call you red sharpie then! Or red for short." You suddenly realised class was over.

"Crap, I gtg for a while, class just ended for me. Don't write back for a while, I'll brb." You scrawled quickly, throwing on a jacket over the marker.

You got to your dorm and got another red sharpie out, locked yourself in your bedroom and wrote again.

"Back! Sry, English and Grammar sux, right?" You wrote.

"Lol, right? College in general sux tho." You laughed.


You continued talking to blue sharpie for the next week, until on the 7th day, you were up until 5 AM. You had red arms from rubbing all the marker off to write more, but you didn't care.

"Are you made of copper and tellurium?" Blue sharpie wrote.

"Wait wat? I never pay attention in science. XD"

"Cuz I think you're CuTe!"

You blushed bright red.

"You got a pizza my heart."

"I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by you. "

"On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?"

Blue sharpie kept writing flirty pick up lines, and you found it adorable.

You blushed and wrote back:

"It's been a week. Want to meet somewhere?" You asked.

"Sure! Do you live in (your country)?"

"Yup! I live in (more specific area, like state or whatever the equivalent is where you live). "

"Me too!!! I live in (your city) and go to (your college)."

"Ur kidding. Me too. WHO ARE YOU?!? I PROBABLY KNOW YOU!!" You were almost screeching in excitement.

"PHILLIP HAMILTON! WHO THE F ARE YOU?!!?!?" You blushed bright red.

"Y/n L/n!!! I have a group project with you!!!!!!!!" You wrote excitedly.



You squealed and almost fell off your bed.

"I'll meet you at the Starbucks on campus tomorrow at 8 AM!"

"MmK! I have to wash all this sharpie off, see ya tomorrow!" Phillip said.

You squealed and blushed, shoving a pillow in your face and screaming into it.


A/n: Sorry if he wasn't as flirty or sarcastic as you wanted, but I liked the chapter anyway!

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