Lin x Wife!Reader

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Requested by Ayrissa_Christensen! Welp, I'm listening to mcr again, so I'm in the sadness zone. Lez go. *cracks knuckles*

Your POV:

You sat on a chair in the doctor's office, nervously figiting with your fingers. Your husband, Lin, stood behind you, rubbing your shoulders. The doctor came back in with a clipboard.

"Sir, you may want to sit down." She said sadly, motioning for him to sit. He collapsed in a chair next to you, face pale. You held his hand tightly.

"Miss Y/n Miranda, I'm afraid to say that you have brain cancer. It will only get worse." She confirmed. Lin's eyes widened.

"No, no no no, not Y/n, not yet. What can we do to fix this? I don't care about the price." He blubbered. You grimaced and squeezed his hand. He slumped, tears silently spilling down his cheeks. You looked back at the doctor and mouthed "How long?". She cringed and replied silently, "A year, maybe less, maybe more." You nodded and looked back at your husband.

You hugged him.

"Let's go home, love. We can watch a movie. I want to spend every second of the rest of my life with you." You whispered. He shuddered and nodded, leaning his head on your shoulder. You took his hand and pulled him to your car. You got in the front seat and buckled your seatbelt.

"Are you okay?" You asked Lin as he sat beside you. He shook his head, shoulders heaving as he sobbed quietly. You bit your lip and pulled him close. You kissed him passionately, not thinking of the future, or even of right now. All that mattered was that your husband knew you loved him.

You pulled away after a few minutes, staring into his brown eyes. He looked back into your own e/c ones, tears still falling into his lap.

You remained silent for a few more minutes, before taking his hand and starting the car. Lin choked and sobbed again, leaning his head on your shoulder. You drove quietly and got home, piling on the couch with popcorn, a movie and a sh*t load of tissues.

You blasted Welcome to the Black Parade by MCR, and sobbed your eyeballs out until about 8 AM, when you fell asleep in your husband's arms. You spent your next 364 days with Lin at nearly every moment, travelling, spending time with loved ones, seeing bands, seeing movies, everything really.

On the 365th day, you had instructed Lin to put a deadly poison given to you by your doctor in your dinner. It wouldn't hurt, and it was delayed, so you could spend the evening with him. Almost everything hurt every day, and it would simply be putting off the inevitable by delaying death.

Lin accepted, weeping, and watched you eat, sadly. You curled up into a ball next to him.

"I love you. I love you. I love you." Lin repeated.

"Darling, I know. I love you too." You whispered, giggling.

"How are you so calm and happy?! I'm freaking out about you leaving me!" Lin yelped. You grimaced and held his hands.

"Love, it'd just be putting me in misery. Always know I'll be waiting for you on the other side. Tell my story." You whispered, running your fingers through his hair.

"You know that musical you were working on, but didn't want to release? Re write it about us, then release it, for me." You instructed. Lin nodded.

"A-alright. I'll always remember everything you're saying right now, love." He replied. You smiled softly.

"Perfect. I'll see you on the other side. It's only a matter of time." You said, closing your eyes to sleep for the last time. Lin sobbed and hugged you tightly.

"No, don't leave me..." He whispered, weeping. Your hand went limp in his own and he choked.

"It's only a matter of time." He repeated sadly.

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