Depressed!John Laurens x Blind!Literal Sunshine!Reader

7.8K 167 409

Requested by BellaFlores519!

Modern AU.

Your POV:

It was your first day at school, and you were a little nervous. You were mostly excited though, and interlaced your arms with your brother, (just gon' name him Adam, cuz I got nothin else. XD) Adam. He lead you to the office. You heard people's whispers and felt their stares on you.

You waited as the principal came in.

"Alright Ms. L/n, we're going to assign you another special needs student, to help you get around and to help him out. You're rather optimistic, no?" He asked politely. You nodded cheerfully.

"Mmh hmm! It's ironic, I'm the happiest person in my family." You laughed.

"Wonderful. Well, John Laurens, the student that we'll have you help is depressed. He has a group of 3 other close friends so you have automatic friends. Your schedule is as follows;" And he proceeded to list off classes.

"Classroom A7 is the first one you'll go to." (Guys, I'm homeschooled, I got no frickin idea how school works.) You nodded and were lead to the classroom.

"John Laurens?" You heard your brother ask someone.

"Yeah. Y/n L/n?" You heard a voice say.

"Yup. Lovely to meet you." You said cheerfully, holding out your right hand. After a moment, someone shook it. You smiled.

"Yeah. You too. Here, there's an empty seat next to me." You heard him say. You said good bye to your brother, and you were lead gently to a desk.

"You can just sit down here, I'm just to your right." He said.

"Okay. U-uh, this is weird, but I can't see you, so, uhm, what do you look like...?" You asked quietly. You heard a soft laugh.

"Long, brown, wavy hair in a ponytail, brown eyes, and freckles, like, literally everywhere." John replied.

"How do I look? My hair feels weird." You asked self consciously.

"Beautiful." He replied. You blushed.

"O-oh. Thanks. So, you listen to music?" You asked awkwardly, flustered.

"Mmh hmm. I actually have two tickets to see Miranda, an American Musical." He replied. Your face brightened.

"Lucky! I've wanted to see that for, like, 5000 years." You laughed.

"Maybe you could come with me?" He asked.

Johnny boy's POV: (That's not a nickname that's gonna catch on, is it?)

"Maybe you could come with me?" I suggested. Jeez, I hope it's not that obvious that I think Y/n's cute. Alex will never stop giving me crap for it.

"I'd love that." She replied happily. I suddenly felt someone's soft hand in mine and looked down, surprised. Y/n was blushing madly and holding my hand. She was looking down at her desk. I laughed softly and scooted my desk closer to hers.

"You're really adorable, you know?" I said to her, blushing too.

"Not really." She shrugged.

"You are.~" I sang, poking her cheek. She bit her lower lip to keep from smiling. I smirked.

"You're cuter though." Y/n retaliated.

"You can't see me." I pointed out.

"So what?"

"Fair point. I think we're going to be good friends." I said, squeezing her hand.

"Yeah." She breathed.

A/n: Sorry, I didn't make John very depressed. I'm in a fluffy mood, so that's kind a how this turned out. *nervous laugh*

Hope you still like it though.

Also! We're almost at 10K reads already! This is amazing! You think we can hit 10K before November 7th? It's my my little sister's birthday, so it'll be like I get a present too!

Edit: We hit 10K the day before I even published this, so good job, and thank you guys! ^-^

Love you all!


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