Hercules x Strict Parents!Reader

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Soulmate AU! First words they speak to you tattooed on you, you know the drill. 😗

Your POV:

You choked as your servant tightened your corset, your mother sharply instructing you to sit still, stand up straight, be quiet.

"Well, I suppose that's the best we can do." Your mother sighed. "Our usual tailor is sick, so we're going to one in town to get your wedding dress." She said, wrinkling her nose. Your servant helped you into your dress. You perked up. You had never been to town. You were getting married to a guy you had never met in 3 days. You had a dinner with him tonight, and you were to meet him and his parents. Your mother went downstairs with your servant, and you were left alone. You rolled up your sleeve and read your tattoo yet again. Not like you hadn't memorized it long ago.

"Can you hold this needle for me?" You smiled, pulled your sleeve back down, and sighed as your mother called you downstairs.

"Y/n! The Wrights are here!" She called. Welp, time to hopefully meet your soulmate.

"Coming, mother!" You called, walking out of your room, smiling brightly.

You saw a boy about your age, between his haughty looking parents.

"Um, hello." He said. Your heart sank.

"Hello, sir." You said politely. Both of you .are eye contact, silently acknowledging that you weren't soulmates.

You had a very awkward and boring dinner. You couldn't stand your soon-to-be husband or his parents. You went to bed early, changed and sobbed yourself to sleep.

In the morning, you got dressed and climbed into your carriage, your parents beside you. You stared out the window happily. You excitedly stepped outside in front of the tailor. Your mother wrinkled her nose again.

"Hello, I need a wedding dress for my daughter." She said sharply as you walked in. There was an old man behind a desk, and there were dresses and corsets, shirts and pants everywhere. The old man looked at you.

"A little too young to be married, no? Ah, no matter. I will have my apprentice take your measurements." He said, the corner of his eyes twitching up as he gestured to a door beside him. Your mother stood stiffly as a handsome young man poked his head out.

"Well, I must leave. Pick a nice dress." She said, walking out quickly.

"Hercules, please take this girl's measurements." The old man commanded. The man nodded, adjusting his beanie and gesturing him to follow you.

You followed him into the small room, and he silently got a cloth tape measure and you stepped onto the small stair.

"Can you hold this needle for me?" He asked. You nodded and held the sewing needle.

"Hope I don't stab myself!" You joked. The guy froze and looked up at you.

He rolled up his sleeve.

"Hope I don't stab myself!" Was tattooed on his muscley bicep.

"Holy shoot." You said, rolling up your own sleeve. You smiled and blushed.

"Well, uh, wanna cancel this wedding?" You asked, grinning.

"Love to." He replied.

"Y/n L/n." You introduced, opening the door.

"Hercules Mulligain." He replied, holding it open for you. You went to a bar and chatted with Hercules for a while, getting to know him. He wanted to join the revolution, and he was a tailor's apprentice, obviously.

You ended up deciding to not marry the guy your parents wanted you to. You also decided to tell your parents that Hercules was your soulmate, and that you were going to marry him instead. You held his hand and called a carriage.

You arrived at your house and knocked on the door.

"Mom. I'm not going to marry him. Hercules is my soulmate, and I'm marrying him instead." You said firmly, as she opened the door.

"What?! No! Y/n, you are not marrying a common, poor person!" She yelped.

"Mom! I am. I love Hercules. I don't love anyone else." You argued, biting your bottom lip.

"Ma'am, please, I love your daughter." Hercules said, hugging you tightly from behind.

"I refuse! No! Y/n, get inside right now. You! Leave!" Your mother ordered Hercules.

"Trust me. Meet me behind the palace at midnight." You whispered to Hercules, slipping out of his grip. Your mother pulled you inside.

"I can't believe you Y/n. Saying silly things like that." She said harshly. You nodded and played along. You went to bed, but woke up 11 PM, then packed all of your things. You snuck downstairs quietly, and stole some money and jewels from your parents.

You then snuck out, with two bags of all of your things.  Hercules met you on your lawn.

"Let's go join a revolution." He said, taking both of your bags.

You smiled. Maybe running away with Hercules was a better idea than you ever thought.

"I love you." You said as pulled you into a house behind him.

"I love you too. We're going to be happy together, I promise." Hercules said happily, nuzzling your neck. You smiled.

"I know." You replied, sighing contentedly.

Hamilton x Reader Oneshots (REQUESTS CLOSED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें