Phillip Hamilton x Reader

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Requested by katie_da_savage! :3

You're married to Philly. XD

Your POV:

You sat on your bed nervously. Your period was 3 weeks late. You had just gone to the doctor, and he had confirmed. You waited for Phillip to come back home.

The door banged open and Phillip stormed in angrily.

"What's wrong, honey?" You asked softly.

"I'm dueling George Eaker tomorrow." He growled. You gasped tears filling your eyes.

"What? Love, why?" You asked, standing and taking his hands.

"'s nothing. I'll be back before dinner." Phillip muttered.

"No, you can't go." You pleaded, pulling him closer.

"Why not?!" Phillip yelled, turning and facing you angrily. You let go his hands and stepped back.

"Because there are 3 people in this room." You whispered, gently patting your slightly buldging stomach. His eyes widened. Tears spilled down your face.

"Wha-how long have you known?" He asked softly, walking forward slowly and setting his hand on your mid section.

"A day or so." You answered quietly. A single tear fell down your cheek, before you swiped it away, sniffling. Phillip embraced you tightly.

"I'll be back, I promise." He whispered in your ear, tears spilling down his face too. You choked and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"P-please don't go." You breathed.

"I. I can't, love. I'm a Hamilton, we're reckless. We won't back down. I can't. I promise you I'll be back." He said sadly, kissing your forehead. You shook and pulled away.

"You come back alive or a swear to God, I'll kill you." You said, breaking down. Phillip hugged you tightly, then picked you up bridal style and carried you to your bed. He layed down next to you and wrapped his arms around you.

You woke and the day passed without you mentioning the duel to Phillip. At 4 PM he kissed your cheek.

"I'll be back soon." He told you. You nodded and waited until he left before you followed behind him stealthily.

You arrived after Phillip. The duel was about to start.


You saw the fear in both Phillip and George's eyes.


George's hand trembled as he clutched his gun.


Phillip looked up and mouthed something, a tear running down his cheek.


It happened in slow motion, George turned and pulled the trigger. You saw the bullet flying towards Phillip and didn't think. You screamed and cried out, running to Phillip and pushing him out of the way.

You felt a blinding pain in your side and landed on the ground. Phillip screamed and fell next to you.

You took deep breaths, dizzy, as blood poured out of the bullet wound. Tears spilled down your face, and Phillip's.

"No, no, no. Don't, you didn't, no, no no." He said, attempting to cover the wound with his jacket. You coughed harshly and held his hand.

"No, you-" He choked, "- you didn't. W-why? I, you." He burst into tears and shook, leaning down and cradling your head in his arms.

"Because, I love you." You whispered.

"I-I love you too." Your husband sobbed, tears landing on your face.

Suddenly, rain pattered gently on you. A cloudburst. You held out your hand and felt it. It washed some of the blood away from your side, revealing how truly irreparable the damage was.

"You know," You croaked, "The rain calms me." You smiled weakly and painfully. Phillip laughed dryly and kissed your face.

"Please go on without me. D-don't give up hope. Never duel again...I won't be around to die for you again." You said softly. He nodded vigorously.

"Anything for you, l-love." He assured you. You smiled softly.

"Find a nice girl. Get married. Have a child. Name her after me, will you?" You pleaded. Phillip nodded again, and clutched your hand tighter as he felt you slipping away. You nodded as well and smiled again, before releasing a shaky breath, and going limp.

Phillip's anguished scream was the last thing ringing in your ears before you reached the other side.

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