Phillip x Jefferson's Daughter!Reader

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Requested by KirigiriJunko!

Modern AU

Your POV:

"Group project, everyone, pick a partner." The teacher said. Everyone groaned and started pairing up. You stood awkwardly as your two friends paired up. The teacher rolled her eyes.

"Alright, too many people are just standing around. Y/n and Phillip, you two work together." She continued pairing people up. You groaned softly and dragged your feet over to Phillip Hamilton's desk.

He scowled slightly as you stood next to him. You bit your lip. You actually had a tiny crush on him, but he was kind of an asshole.

"Look, I'm not happy about this either, but this counts as 30% of our final grade and if I get anything less than an A-, my dad will kill me." You said, rolling your eyes. Phillip sighed.

"Same. Alright, meet me at my house tonight at 4." He said, packing up his bags.

"Okay. See you then." You said, blushing slightly.

That afternoon, you walked with your father, Thomas, to Phillip's house and knocked. Phillip's father opened the door, and your dad scowled. "Alexander. You must be Phillip's father, then." He said dryly. You swore in your head, and bit your lip.

"Yes. Um, anyway, I'll be back home at, maybe 6 or 7. Bye." You said awkwardly, gently pushing him away. Thomas glared at the other man for a moment, then kissed your forehead. 

"Alright. Get some work done. I love you." He said sweetly, hugging you, then turning around and leaving. You smiled softly, then looked back up at Phillip's father.

"Hello! Um, I'm Y/n Jefferson." You said politely. He smiled. 

"Alexander Hamilton." He introduced, letting you in. You went upstairs to Phillip's room. 

"Hiya." You said, smiling. He waved slightly, then gestured for you to sit down on his bed next to him. You sat down and got out your notebook and a pencil. 

You worked on the project for a couple hours, then had dinner at his place. 

"Shiiiit." You groaned as you sat back down on his bed. 

"What?" He asked, resting his chin on your shoulder. You blushed.

"My dad's out of town tonight, so I'm home alone for the night, 'cause my parents are divorced." You sighed.

"You can stay over, if you want." He offered.

"Really? Oh my gosh, thank you so much." You said, kissing his cheek and turning off your phone. He blushed. 

"It's nothing." He smiled, side hugging you. 

"You know...before this, I thought you were an asshole, but you're actually really sweet." You sighed. 

"Uhm, thanks." He said, grinning. "You're not so bad yourself." He said, taking your chin in his hand. You blushed and leaned in. He pulled you closer and kissed you softly.

"I think I love you, Hamilton." You whispered. 

"Everyone does." 

Hamilton x Reader Oneshots (REQUESTS CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now