Last Day (Part One)

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-Last day of down time-

*Nick opens B’s door and peeks his head inside to find her laying on her bed, her head hanging off the side*

(Nick) *sighs* what are you doing?

(Bailey) seeing how many times I can do a backward roll off the bed before I feel sick

(Nick) how many ya at so far?

(Bailey) thirteen….

(Nick) feelin like pukin yet?

(Bailey) nope

(Nick) *sighs* Mom sent me up here to make sure you were packing…which clearly you are not

(Bailey) what’s the point *does a backward roll off the bed*

(Nick) the point? we leave tomorrow morning… you might want clothes

(Bailey) *climbs back on the bed and flips off again* The second I pack Livie will walk in, take one look at my suitcase, tell me I’m hopeless and dump it out …

(Nick) I highly doubt that seeing as how she doesn’t get off work until nine and if you aren’t packed by then mom will kill you

(Bailey) I hate that stupid job…she friggin works at Flower’s like thirty plus hours a week, it’s ridiculous, what is she going to do when school starts back up? And what about Peanut?? She has practically lived here for the past month

(Nick) Livie has a babysitter lined up for her…

(Bailey) NO…she has a daycare lined up…DAYCARE….there are like a zillion other kids there

(Nick) I don’t like it either B but she has no other choice

(Bailey) yes she does, she can quit and work for us, she could be a runner or the JB stylist or my stylist …there are a million jobs we could have her do and then we could take care of Peanut.

(Nick) a tour is no place for a baby, B.

(Bailey) *flips off the bed* yea, well neither is daycare!

(Nick) is this about Livie not coming on tour or Sam?

(Bailey) *scoffs* this is his last summer before he goes off to college….in L.A! You of all people know what it’s like trying to maintain a relationship with someone all the way across the country …and Sam isn’t Miley, he can’t just hop in a plane anytime he feels like it and come visit me…

(Nick) you could always go visit him…

(Bailey) *sits up and cocks a brow*’hey Dad, can I fly across the country and stay with my older boyfriend in his dorm unattended?’

(Nick) *scratches the back of his neck* yea…when you put it that way there is no way Dad would ever let you do that…

(Bailey) I’m fairly certain that was the dumbest thing you have ever said….

(Nick) *rolls eyes* Come on grumpy . . . let's get you packed.

*Nick grabs B’s large suitcase from the closet and throws it on the bed *

(Bailey) *dodges suitcase* Hey, watch it! 

(Nick) Well quit lying around and grab outfits, I’ll help you.

(Bailey) *grumbles* why are you so damn happy…

(Nick) I love tour…I get to play music on a daily basis and see different cities every night. I'm excited.

(Bailey) Well tone it down, I’m finding you highly annoying

(Nick) come on, aside from the fact that Sam isn’t going, this tour is going to be a lot of fun, we are traveling with other bands like we did when we toured with Miles…there will be other kids to hang out with besides just your brothers…

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