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*Bell rings and B stands and grabs her books*

(Olivia) you look hot by the that a new outfit?

(Bailey) no...well, new to me, they were Ronnies

(Olivia) well, I'm secretly hating you and your perfect little body right now

(Bailey) *crinkles nose* you always say the sweetest things

(Olivia) I mean it with love *hugs B* I'll see you in a bit

(Bailey) K

*B walks into the school office to hand in her doctors excuse*

Dear God,

Please let this work, please let this work, please let this work...Amen

(Office secretary) *puts glasses on the edge of her nose and looks at the excuse note before looking over the top of her glasses at B* Thank you Miss Jonas, you can go to class now.

(Bailey) *sighs* is that all you need to excuse my absence?

(Office secretary) that's all we need *smiles*

*B celebrates internally and smiles at the secretary before turning around and coming face to face with Sam*

(Bailey) I...umm...hey...

(Sam) *tries to ignore B and blows her off with a quick nod of the head* hey

*B's heart sinks, she walks out of the office and stands outside the door waiting for Sam to exit*

*Sam walks out and B immediately stops him*

(Bailey) Sam wait! *grabs the sleeve of his shirt*

*Sam puts a hand over hers and B starts to smile until he peels her hand off his shirt and drops it to her side, her heart sinks again and she immediately feels tears start to sting her eyes*

(Sam) what do you want Bailey?

(Bailey) I...I've been calling you and texting you...why haven't you responded?

*Sam shakes his head and starts to walk away*

(Bailey) *tears* Sam wait!

(Sam) *turns around angry* I'm done waiting for you Bailey and I've got nothing to say to you so... *turns to walk away*

(Bailey) *angry* well I've got things to say to you...things you need to know...*pulls her journal out of her backpack and tears out her first journal entry and presses it against Sam's chest* since you won't talk to least read *Sam reluctantly grabs the paper and B walks off toward class making sure he was out of sight before breaking down into tears*

Well, Sam hates me...awesome, tell me again why I decided to come back to public school? Oh wait, I I can be around a guy I hate, who likes me, and the boy I love who hates me...shoot me.

-3rd period-

*B is sitting at her lab table when Jake walks in, his face evident of his run in with Sam*

(Bailey) Nice face

(Jake) *sits down beside B and smirks* A small price to pay for I guess this means you can talk to me now then?

(Bailey) *turns and glares at Jake* you think this is funny? This isn't funny Jake

(Jake) I don't think it's funny

(Bailey) You just couldn't stand it could you? Which part was it that bugged you the most Jake? Was it that I was finally happy or the fact that I was finally happy with someone else

(Jake) what the hell B...why are you so pissed off at me?

(Bailey) WHY? You KNEW how he felt about us talking, I told you. You knew and you still continued to do it...was this your plan all along? To break us up so I would come running to you to cry on your shoulder?

(Jake) you know what Bailey, I realize I was an asshole, but I have changed...I know you don't believe that but it's true...but yea...I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy that you two broke up.

(Bailey) I'm not getting back together with you Jake, it's not going to happen

(Jake) Bailey...

*B ignores Jakes pleading*

(Jake) *sighs* I miss you...I know there is a part of you that misses me too. It's obvious what you need and want is someone to blame ...I guess being that person in your life is better than not being in your life at all.

The friggin world is BassAckwards...Sam is being an ass, and now Jake is the sweet one...Fuck my life.

The Way I Loved You-WTLGD2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora