What Would My Parents Say?

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*B quickly texts Sam*

(Bailey) I don't want to fight...please come back and talk...

(Sam) It's late, we can talk tomorrow

*B tosses her phone in the nightstand drawer and slams it shut before walking downstairs in a huff, she grabs the vanilla ice cream and scoops some into a large bowl before grabbing for the crunchberries cereal, pouring them over the top then grabbing a large serving spoon and sitting down at the counter*

(Kevin) *walks in the kitchen and spots B * ...uhhhh ya wanna talk about it?

(Bailey) *mouth full* nope

(Kevin) oookie...*yells* NICK!

*B rolls her eyes and takes another bite*

(Nick) *jogs in* whats up? *sees B* oooh...

(Bailey) *snaps* WHAT! Can't a girl eat ice cream without someone getting suspicious?

*Nick holds up his hands in surrender*

(Joe) *walks in* Hey Monkey....*looks at the ice cream* uh-oh....what happened?

(Bailey) OH SWEET GEEZ! * grabs bowl and runs up to her room slamming the door*

-Bailey's Inner Monologue-

Dear God,

Seriously? Were boys really necessary?

-the next morning 6:15-

*B sits at the kitchen counter, her head leaning on her hand, trying not to fall asleep*

(Dad) *walks in and kisses B on top of the head* Morning baby girl

(Bailey) *groans* mmfff...

(Dad) *chuckles* sleepy?

(Bailey) yea...couldn't sleep

(Dad) why couldn't you sleep?

(Bailey) Mad at boys ...

(Dad) what did the boys do?

(Bailey) nothing...just mad at boys in general

(Dad) ah, I see...

(Bailey) what are you up to today?

(Dad) Mom and I are taking a day trip to LA today...I have some JB business to tend to and Mom has been a little stressed lately so I thought a day away would do her some good.

(Bailey) yea...I've noticed. Her fuse with me seems to be pretty short lately.

(Dad) *nods in agreement* we should be back later this evening...around 8 or so,  Kevin is in charge

(Bailey) Woooohooo PARTY *fist pumps*

*Dad gives a stern look*

(Bailey)*holds up hands in surrender*  I'm kidding!

(Dad) Please behave...

*Mom walks in*

(Mom) yes Bailey, same rules apply even though we are not here...be home by 6, no boys in your room, make sure your homework is done...no parties *pours herself a cup of coffee*

(Bailey) boy you guys have a special talent for sucking all the fun out of my day...

(Dad) *chuckles* I expect a good report from Kevin...

(Bailey) *crinkles nose* you two act like I'm unruly...why is it I'm the only one getting this little speech?

(Dad) It will be given to Nick and Joe as well...you were just the first I saw...

*B hops down off the stool and rinses her bowl in the sink before putting it in the dishwasher*

(Mom) OH! That reminds me, you have dishes tonight

(Bailey) *groans* yes ma'am

(Dad) *pulls B into a hug and kisses the top of her head* have a good day Baby girl....I'll see you tonight

(Bailey) k, Love you

(Dad) Love you too


*B is flat ironing her hair when Nick shuffles into her bathroom, his hair a mess from sleep*

(Bailey) *smirks* nice hair...

(Nick) *runs his hand over his unruly morning curls*  you still hate me for some reason I am unaware of?

(Bailey) *rolls eyes* I don't hate you...

(Nick) you locked me out last night... you seemed pretty upset with me for some reason

(Bailey) you sleep like crap too?

(Nick) yes...ugh...it is not healthy how close we are...we should seek help

*Bailey giggles*

(Nick) so why were you mad at me?

(Bailey) *rolls eyes* it wasn't you...I was just fed up with boys in general

(Nick) what happened?

(Bailey) Sam and I had a fight...

(Nick) another one? Geesh...what about?

(Bailey) Jake...we didn't even say goodbye last night, I just got out of the car and he took off...

(Nick) I thought you guys made up over the Jake thing

(Bailey) we did

(Nick) so what happened?

(Bailey) I MAY have inadvertently compared him to Jake...

(Nick) wow...

(Bailey) yea...I know...I'm an idiot

(Nick) well I didn't want to say it...but...

(Bailey) I texted him afterwards and told him I didn't want to fight and asked him to come back so we could talk and he said it was too late and we would talk about it tomorrow...*sighs* so today should be fun...

*Mom calls for B, time for school*

(Bailey) gotta go...love you *kisses Nick on the cheek*

(Nick) Love you too

-at school-

*B walks into school and to her locker, she starts to turn her combination when someone grabs her hand, she turns to see Sam*

(Sam) come on...*pulls her hand leading her toward the door*

(Bailey) um...hi...I have to...wait...where are we going?

*Sam leads her out of the school and to the parking lot before pulling out his car keys from his pocket with his free hand and popping the locks on his car*

(Sam) get in...

*B obeys, diligently getting into his car without question*

(Bailey) *turns to Sam and sighs* I know we need to talk...I

(Sam) *interrupts* get your seatbelt on *starts up car*

(Bailey) *cocks a brow*  oh...I thought we were going to talk...I ...the bell is going to ring in like 5 minutes...where are we going?

(Sam) we are going to talk....just not here....

*B puts her seatbelt on and sits silently as Sam pulls out of the parking lot*

-Bailey's Inner Monologue-

I'm not entirely sure how to react right now. Normally one would question someone's intentions  when they pull them off campus and into their car with no real hint as what is to come. The tone in his voice isn't necessarily a calm one...it's demanding and stern...a tone I'm quite familiar with....although not from Sam. I should be concerned,  instead I find myself intrigued...Did he just break the rules for me?  Tisk Tisk....what would my parents say.

Chapter End Notes:

short chappie...but you will survive :P predictions for the next chappie??

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