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*Nick walks into Bailey’s room to find her throwing clothes from her closet into a pile in the middle of the room*

(Nick) no way all these clothes are dirty… *picks up a sweater off the ground* you haven’t worn this sweater in forever!

(Bailey) *peeks head out of closet* No…those aren’t dirty…I had them shoved into the corner and in a shoe box and stuff…

(Nick) umm…ok…can I ask why or do I want to know

(Bailey) *sighs* I don’t know…it was after the Camp Rock thing in Canada…I wanted to go out and do something and I had to unpack still so I just shoved things into corners and hid them….

(Nick) How is it that we are even related…you have the hygiene tendencies of a rat

(Bailey) not all of us can be as anal retentive as you Nicholas…. *throws another pile of clothing into the floor* where the frick is it?!

(Nick) what? What on earth are you looking for?

(Bailey) FRED! *throws a box into the floor* I came in here to get my dirty clothes and he is always sitting on top of my hamper….he is gone!

(Nick) *rubs the back of his neck* Bailey…..STOP

*B stops and looks up at Nick who grabs his duffel bag from the floor and unzips it before pulling out a huge stuffed bear*

(Bailey) *cocks a brow and walks over to Nick peeking into his duffel bag* that was what you planned to take with you when you ran away with me? Not underwear or socks or a toothbrush…just Fred.

(Nick) *sighs* ok…so I panicked last night…you were gunna leave and you wouldn’t listen to reasoning so I just figured maybe I could change your mind if I told you I was coming too so I just shoved the first thing I saw into the bag…

(Bailey) what would you have done if I hadn’t decided to stay?

(Nick) *shrugs* I didn’t really think that far ahead….*B giggles and grabs Fred giving him a squeeze* why were you freaking out about a dumb bear anyway

(Bailey) *scoffs* Fred is not dumb! You gave him to me when you guys started doing the fairground tours and mom and I stayed at home all the time…he was my snuggle buddy…he is special.

(Nick) you replaced me with a huge stuffed bear?

(Bailey) no…I could never get his shoulder worked in right…it was always too fluffy…

 (Nick) So I rank only slightly higher than a huge stuffed bear . .. Awesome.

(Bailey) *nods* And just below Chelsea...

(Nick) *cocks a brow* Chelsea . . . who's Chelsea?

(Bailey) That baby doll that Joe ripped the head off of when we were six. I friggin loved that thing...Remember, Joe got in massive trouble.

(Nick) Ohhhh yea! R.I.P. Chelsea…. Wait…That damn headless baby doll ranks higher than me?

(Bailey) *giggles* No I’m just kiddin *pinches Nick’s cheeks* No one could take your place

(Nick) *hesitantly* You sure about that? Your feelings seemed a bit different last night when you were making me sleep on the floor…

(Bailey) *gives Fred another squeeze and pauses to collect her thoughts* I knew you would be the only one to think of the treehouse, I think that is why I went there, because I wanted you to be the one to come get me. When you didn’t come…*sighs* I think that was when I gave up and just laid there
I knew if you didn’t want me, there was no point, I’m not me without you

*Nick wraps his arms around B, pulling her into a tight hug*

(Nick) *Ragged breath* we've got to prepare you for your live chat with Miles.

(Bailey) *tearful giggle* Can you just sit beside me and hold my hand the entire time? We'll get total cuteness points…

(Nick) Sorry; it wasn't billed as a twin chat...I might be able to make a small appearance but Dad wants the chat to be focused on you and Miles so you can explain what happened.

*B sighs, releasing Nick from the hug and slumps on the bed*

(Bailey) Miles said that you were trying to teach me a lesson by not being there for me…that I was too used to you being there for me and that it was time for me to fall on my own…I’m not scared of falling Bubba…but the idea of you not being there for me …it shattered me

(Nick) B… *sits down beside B and grabs her hand*

*Door flies open*

(Miley) Time to get fabulous!

*B squeezes Nick’s hand*

(Nick) Miles...we were kinda in the middle of a conversation…

(Miley) You can finish it later. I need all the time I can get to make Bailey pretty for the chat.

(Bailey) HEY!

(Miley) *hands on hip* What?

(Bailey) You just called me ugly . . .

(Miley) Oh please! You're about as ugly as Hannah Montana

(Bailey) *looking at Nick* Was that a compliment to me or herself?

(Nick) *shrugs* Beats me . . . *stands to leave*

(Bailey) Don't leave... we were kind of having an important conversation

(Nick) *Gives B a kiss on the forehead* To be continued… right back

*Nick walks out*

(Bailey)*glares at Miley* Do your work woman

(Miley) Alright, grumpy pants . . . go take a shower, and I'll get an outfit together. Then we do makeup and hair.

Chapter End Notes:

How 'bout some updates tonight as a treat? anyone interested?

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