Slave Labor

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(Nick) *grabbing silverware* what other slave labor do you suppose she will have us doing?

(Bailey) *grabs paper plates from the pantry and shrugs* laundry...scrubbing floors with our toothbrushes

(Mom) both good suggestions *cocks a brow at Bailey* Bailey Nichole…

(Bailey) what?

(Mom) Paper plates…seriously?

(Bailey) *shrugs* we were gunna let everyone use real forks…

(Mom) No

(Bailey) UGH…fine *puts paper plates away and grabs real plates*

*Mom leaves*

(Bailey) Why does she feel the need to ruin all my brilliant plans?

(Nick) That's what Mom’s do…it’s their job.

(Bailey) Well, when I'm a mom, I'm not going to ruin my children's lives.

(Nick) You say that now…just wait till you have a girl or two like you…then you might be singing a different tune…I bet you’d be worse than Mom

(Bailey) Says the boy who isn't going to allow Peanut to step one foot out the door without the third degree. At least she'll have a great hangout place at Aunt B's.

(Nick) Uh huh . . . that'll be the first place I look when she runs away. I’ll tell you one thing though.

(Bailey) What's that?

(Nick) She better not have Aunt B's knack for trouble…I don’t know if I can handle another YOU…

(Bailey) too much awesome?

(Nick) *chuckle* something like that

(Bailey) I wouldn’t worry too much, I'm an original, no one will ever be as awesome as me.

(Nick) Keep telling yourself that.

(Bailey) Hey just because I'm the cool twin and you're the . . .

(Nick) Sexy? Talented? Amazing? . . . *smirking*

(Bailey) I was going to say BORING twin . . .

(Nick) wow…

(Bailey) *holding up her hands in surrender* Hey, I don’t hold it against you…it’s not your fault I took all the awesome…besides we make a perfect pair you and I…we balance eachother out…awesome/boring, socialite/hermit, candy fiend/diabetic

(Nick) good/evil *smirks*

(Mom) *walks in the kitchen* What's the hold up? The table isn't going to set itself!

*B and Nick walk into the dining room and set the table before the family sits down to homemade waffles*

-After Breakfast-

(Bailey) Is there anything worse than syrup when it comes to washing… *peels a fork off of a plate* yuck

(Nick) yes…egg yolk…that’s worse…

(Bailey) ewww…yea…

(Nick) and dried oatmeal…

(Bailey) *gross face* ok…so syrup is not the worst…I stand corrected…it still sucks though *peels another fork off a plate and tosses it into the dish water* this would have been a lot simpler if Mom had let us use paper plates…why couldn’t we use paper plates again…

(Nick) because then what would we wash? It’s more torture this way…

(Bailey)*rinses plate and loads it into the dishwasher* what are you trying to say Nicholas? That mom purposefully made yummy homemade waffles knowing we would all drown them in syrup and in turn ruin my life?

(Nick) yup….I wouldn’t be surprised if she made eggs and oatmeal tomorrow…

(Bailey) she is pure evil

(Mom) and don’t you forget it *smirks and throws another sticky plate into the water*

(Bailey) I'm starting to think you actually enjoy torturing children

(Mom) Is that so? What makes you say that?

(Bailey) Nick here seems to have you all figured out…he says you made sticky breakfast on purpose so it was more work…

(Mom) Oh don’t be ridiculous…I was making waffles regardless…

(Bailey) see…

(Mom) I mean, we could have just as easily used paper plates and had less clean up but then where would the torture be in that?

(Nick) *smirk* told you

(Bailey) He has much knowledge

(Mom) He has always been like that . . .a people watcher…always figuring people out…and with you…for as long as I can remember he’s always seemed to know what you were up to before you did…

(Nick) Yea, cause I had to keep her butt out of trouble…

(Mom) finish up the dishes then go round up all the dirty laundry and get started on that…you have at least 5 loads to do.

(Bailey) *groans* But…Miles and I have the live chat in a little bit and I need to shower and get all presentable for that…

(Mom) well then, round up the laundry then take a shower and get ready and you can start a load before the chat

(Bailey) but…can’t we just…

(Mom) …are you arguing with me?

(Nick) No! she isn’t…in fact she is going upstairs right now to start collecting the laundry…aren’t you BAILEY

(Bailey) *grumbles* yes…*dries hands and stomps up the stairs*

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