Supposed Piercing

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*Nick sits on the floor silently for an hour before standing up and walking to the door*

(Bailey) where do you think you are going?

(Nick) I’m thirsty

(Bailey) you can’t leave my side…Mom’s rules…

(Nick) well, come on then…

(Bailey) I’m comfy…

(Nick) COME ON!

(Bailey) no, the bathroom is right there, go get a drink of water

(Nick) I’m not drinking water from the faucet just because you are too lazy to move

(Bailey) well then grab yerself a metal cup and bang it on the door, maybe the warden will bring you a drink

(Nick) *walks over to the bed, throws B over his shoulder and walks out the door* I guess you’re going to be going with me against your will.

(Bailey) PUT ME DOWN!

(Nick)Nope . . . where I go, you go! You’re stuck with me, Mom’s rules. *walks downstairs*

(Joe) hey dude…whatcha doin…you have a monkey on yer back

(Nick) *deposits B onto a chair in the kitchen* Mom’s new brilliant form of punishment. Wherever one of us goes, the other must follow.

(Joe) Nice! So…does that apply to bathroom breaks too…'cause that could get awkward

(Mom) No it does not apply to bathroom breaks, they have to be in the same room EXCEPT for the bathroom.

(Bailey) *grimace* Thanks for clearing that up Mom!

(Mom) Nicholas, is there some reason you carried your sister down the stairs?

(Nick) She wouldn’t come downstairs for me to get a I brought her with me.

(Mom) I see…not exactly learning to work together like I had hoped for but whatever works.

(Nick) If I’m grounded to B’s room, how am I supposed to manage my diabetes?

(Mom) Diabetes management is nonnegotiable. You must take care of that . . . that is the exception to the rule.

(Bailey) what about me?

(Mom) yes, you are welcome to manage your diabetes as well

(Bailey) but…I don’t have diabetes…

(Mom) well then, your sentence it seems is without exceptions.

*Dad walks out of the media room and into the kitchen*

(Dad) *looks at the twins* So, you two are getting along again?

(Nick) Nope, this is Mom’s doing, she grounded us to each other …

(Dad) *smirks and gives Mom a kiss on the cheek* evil genius

(Mom) *smiles* thank you, what about you? Have you gotten anything settled with the problem you were working on?

(Dad) unfortunately no, it’s a fine mess she has caused this time

*B sighs before hopping off the stool and running upstairs to her room*

(Mom) Nicholas … *points upstairs to B’s room*

(Nick) *grumbles* this is beyond ridiculous…shoving us together isn’t going to make us get along, if anything I am finding her more and more annoying by the second

(Mom) Nicholas, I refuse to discuss this matter with you, you would not be in this situation if you had not been acting so hateful toward your sister, she is your twin, and you two have always been there for each other, why you have so suddenly decided that you no longer need one another is beyond me but I assure you that she is the very best friend you will ever have so work it out.

*Nick nods before walking upstairs*

-Bailey’s POV-

Dad just stood there and talked about me like I wasn’t even there. A fine mess I have caused this time…

*Nick walks in to find B face down on the bed*

(Nick) it’s hard to shadow you when you are throwing a hissy fit and running off

(Bailey) *pops head up, clearly pissed* Oh really? Is that why you are finding me more annoying by the second?

(Nick) *cocks a brow* I…

(Bailey) Yea…I heard you, and save it…you know, I realize you have to put up with a lot more of my shit than everyone else, but guess what NICHOLAS…it goes both ways. I put up with a lot of shit from you as well.

(Nick) true…but at least my shit doesn’t get published for the world to see

(Bailey) well thank God for that! The Ubers would absolutely die if they knew how you behaved half the time that you aren’t in front of the camera.

*Joe and Miley walk in and interrupt the twin talk*

(Joe) Hey…Mom and Dad want to have a family discussion in half an hour…just thought we would let you guys know.

*B grabs Miley by the shirt and pulls her into the bathroom before shutting the door*

 (Bailey) Miles, Nick doesn’t want anything to do with me and is now grounded TO me, Kevin won’t forgive me and Dad doesn’t realize I even exist anymore because he is so wrapped up with trying to figure out this huge PR issue that my supposed belly button ring is causing for the boys…shoot me please

(Miley) wait…supposed?

(Bailey) *lifts up shirt* Mom made me take it out…all this mess and I don’t even have a friggin bellybutton ring…

(Miley) *wide eyes* B, that’s brilliant…I have a plan…  *throws arms around B and pulls her into a hug* things will get better I promise, just give it time…I have to run…I’ll be right back

*B and Miley walk back into the room, Miley grabs Joe by the shirt and quickly pulls him toward the door*

(Joe) don’t forget…family meeting in half hour *walks out*

Chapter End Notes:

Yea...I'm totally spoiling you tonight because I am headed out to a Gala tonight and I'm feeling generous since the next chappie of Chilton is not quite ready yet. HIGH HEELS RED DRESS...thats what I am wearing tonight 😜 LEAVE ME SOME LOVE!!!

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