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*Later that Night after the concert Bailey and Livie are hanging out in B's room*

(Bailey) *watches Livie's belly intently* EWWW....its like she is trying to burst out...make her stop

(Olivia) HA...ok...I'll get right on that *rubs her belly*

(Bailey) that is so weird looking...doesn't that hurt? Isn't she bumping into organs or something?

(Olivia) doesn't first it felt a twitch like when your arm gets a twitch or something....then she got bigger and it felt more like when you're really hungry and your stomach growls and now I'm used to it....I don't really pay attention...except when she kicks my bladder and I instantly have to pee or she decides to lodge a body part up in my rib cage...that feels awesome.

(Bailey) *scrunches up nose* nothing about that sounds the least bit fun to me

(Olivia) pregnant is the new black....all the cool kids are doing it! *giggles*

(Bailey) pass...

(Olivia) atta girl

*Nick walks in*

(Bailey) NICK! Oh my her stomach...its totally freakish!

(Olivia) *scrunches up nose* Gee, Bailey you too.

*Nick walks over, lays on Baileys bed next to Livie and tucks his hands behind his head watching her belly*

(Nick) WOAH....*Nick puts his hand on Livie's belly* is she always like this at night? How do you sleep?

(Olivia) well...yea for a while she would get real wild at night and then I read this book and it said that if you play music to your belly that it can calm the baby and it makes them smarter

(Bailey) for real? What kind of music?

(Olivia) the book said classical but I didnt have any classical music so...we've been jamming to JB *giggles*

(Nick) *smirk* nice...this baby is going to be a GENIUS

(Olivia) I know right! It really does calm her down though...mainly your voice actually

(Nick) mine?

(Olivia) mmhmm...she doesn't care for Joe much

(Nick) atta girl! *smirks*

(Olivia) yea, so I'm thinking you need to make a cd of just you singing....just my opinion

(Nick) What? Like a nighttime playlist for Peanut? *chuckles*

(Olivia) oh yes please ...or ya an actual album. I'm sure she isn't the only girl that would enjoy an entire cd of just Nick Jonas

(Nick) sure thing...I'll get right on that with all my free time

(Olivia) *juts out lip in a fake pout* fine Nicholas...totally shaft my idea

(Nick) *chuckles* tuck in the's a nice thought but what about JB? People generally do solo or band stuff...not both.

(Olivia) well, then I will settle for a nighttime sleepy mix for Peanut *smile*

(Nick) ok...I will see what I can do *smirks*

(Bailey) *stares at Livie's belly as it moves around* make it stop Nick, its creepin me out!

(Nick) *chuckles* what am I supposed to do? *taps Livie's belly* Hey! Settle down in there!

*Peanut still moves around wildly*

(Nick) *Shrug* I tried....the darn kid wont listen *smirks*

(Olivia) sing ...

The Way I Loved You-WTLGD2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن