Ice cream and Gentlemen Callers

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Bailey's Inner Monologue

I opened my eyes to the sound of a baby crying, this has been a rather normal sound in the Jonas household as of late... since they came home from the hospital two days ago Livie and Peanut have been staying with us while her dad is out of town on business. Mom insisted they stay with us so she could help her out with the baby and teach her some tricks of the trade...truth be told I think Mom was just itching to have a baby around again...although you pretty much have to wrestle Peanut away from Nick if you want any snuggling time.

*Nick slips out of bed sending Bailey's head crashing to the mattress*

(Bailey) *whispering* where are you going? Its 5am...let Livie get Peanut

(Nick) I'm just seeing if she needs any help...go back to sleep *walks out of the room*

*B rolls her eyes before grabbing for her phone and sending a text to Sam*

(Bailey Text) any idea where the snooze button is located on a baby?

(Sam text) lol morning beautiful... I don't think there is one...try the belly button

(Bailey text) belly buttons are's all black

(Sam text) 🤣 will fall off soon and be normal

(Bailey text) FALL OFF?! Eww!

(Sam text) you do realize how early it is right?

(Bailey text) I am aware, apparently no one informed Peanut that mornings are pure evil

(Sam text) so....are you up for the day?

(Bailey text) unfortunately

(Sam text) 😀 can I come over then?

(Bailey text) sure...if you don't mind screaming babies and me with little to no sleep...come over at your own risk

(Sam text) k, be over in a few

(Bailey text) K

*B rolls out of bed and peeks her head into Nick's room, he is holding Peanut in his arms bouncing around and singing to her softly*

(Bailey) where is Livie?

(Nick) *whispers* she is downstairs making a bottle

*B walks in and kisses Peanut on the head*

(Bailey to Peanut) you are lucky you are so cute...*cocks a brow at Nick*

(Nick) *whispers* what?

(Bailey) I'm going downstairs to get some breakfast, you need to check when Livie gets back up here

*Nick nods and starts to bounce Peanut again singing softly*

*B shuffles downstairs and finds Livie in the kitchen*

(Livie) I'm sorry, I tried to tell her that crying was not allowed before the hour of 10 am but she doesn't listen....she is very stubborn.

(Bailey) *giggles* it's ok...she is hungry, I understand, I cry too when I am starving

(Livie) I don't understand how she could possibly be hungry, all she ever does is eat, her nickname should be Piggy not Peanut

(Bailey) *giggles* do me a favor and send Nick down when you go up to feed Miss Piggy, I think he is low

(Livie) he didn't have to run in and help when she started crying, I have already perfected making a bottle while holding her

(Bailey) *scoffs* please, I've never seen him hop out of bed so willingly...that boy has a baby crush

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