Keeping Secrets

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*Livie, Nick and Bailey are all hanging out in Bailey's room when Kevin opens the door and peeks his head in*

(Kevin) Bailey, we need to talk...

(Bailey) *smile fades* ok...

-Bailey's Inner Monologue

Let it be known that no good conversation ever starts out with the words "We need to talk" 

*B walks into Kevin's room, Kevin directly in tow, she sits down on his bed and begins to nervously play with her ring as Kevin shuts the door crossing his arms across his chest*

Bailey's Inner Monologue

We were all schooled on the art of body language for public appearances, even when you aren't talking, you are talking. Always be aware of what your body is saying. Right now Kevin is standing with a wide stance...arms folded across his chest, jaw clenched...his body is practically screaming at me right now...this definitely will not end well for me.

*uncomfortable silence*

(Kevin) You shouldn't have skipped school

(Bailey) *drops eyes* I know...

(Kevin) then why did you?

(Bailey) I...I didn't plan it...I thought we were just going to sit in his car and talk...then he just took off...

(Kevin) well, then why didn't you tell him to take you back to school?

(Bailey) *shrug* I don't know

(Kevin) it doesn't even shouldn't have happened and I shouldn't have covered for you

*B looks up at Kevin sadly*

(Kevin) it wasn't the responsible thing for me to do

(Bailey) so why did you do it?

(Kevin) *sigh* because, I didn't want you to get into trouble not when I could prevent it but I hate lying to Mom and Dad. I'm really disappointed that you would put me in that position

(Bailey) *bows head, tears* I won't skip again...I swear...

(Kevin) you better not 'cause I won't cover for you next time. *walks over and sits next to Bailey on the bed* why are you crying?

(Bailey) *shrugs and wipes her face with the back of her hand* I hate that you are disappointed...I'd rather be in trouble...

(Kevin) *chuckles and sighs*  man ...

(Bailey) what?

(Kevin) when I get married...if I have girls I'm screwed...

(Bailey) *small smile* why?

(Kevin) you think I would have thought twice about busting Joe or Nick for skipping school? *shakes head* I'm a big softie when it comes to you

(Bailey) *smiles* I think you will make a great Dad

(Kevin) yea?

(Bailey) *nods* you've already got the guilt thing down so...

*Kevin chuckles*

(Bailey) that something you are thinking about?

(Kevin) what?

(Bailey) getting and Dani have been spending a lot of time together lately...

*Kevin smirks*

(Bailey)  shut up! Seriously!

(Kevin) shhhhhhh....keep it down

(Bailey) *tries to keep quiet* you are going to propose? *squeals* when?

(Kevin) I'm going there tomorrow for the weekend....*smirks*

(Bailey) tomorrow!


(Bailey) Do Mom and Dad know?

*Kevin nods*

(Bailey) *smiles* so what? You are just going to show up on her doorstep and ask her to marry you?

(Kevin) that was pretty much my nerves are too shot to plan anything more extravagant

(Bailey) *smiles* Kevvy! That's so exciting! Why are you keeping it a secret?

(Kevin) *shrug* I dunno...'cause what if she says no

(Bailey) *rolls eyes* she isn't going to say no...

(Kevin) hope not...that would really suck

(Bailey) so, can I see the ring?

*Kevin rolls his eyes and walks over to his desk grabbing a small black box out of the drawer before sitting back down next to B and handing it to her*

(Bailey) *opens the box and gasps* Woah!

(Kevin) good woah?

(Bailey) Holy frick Kevvy...its beautiful

(Kevin) *smiles* I helped design it...I hope she likes it

(Bailey) she'll LOVE gunna tell the boys?

(Kevin) *shakes head* I'll just wait till after

*Bailey smiles*

(Kevin) you can't keep a secret from him for that long, can you?

(Bailey) pfft! *bites lip*  That's not true!

(Kevin) *chuckles* I bet you $100 you can't keep it a secret from Nick till I get back...

(Bailey) I can keep secrets from him, I'm just not very good at it...

-later that night, B is laying on Nicks shoulder-

(Nick) so, whats the secret?

(Bailey) I don't know what you are talking about...I don't have a secret

(Nick) *smirk* mmhmm....sure...ok

(Bailey) *pops her head up* *blurts out* Kevvy is proposing to Dani tomorrow! *groans*

(Nick) *smirks* you suck at keeping secrets *chuckles*

Bailey's Inner Monologue

Frick! Well I lasted almost a few hours. Where the heck am I going to get $'s a well-known fact I never have any money...and what I do have I spend on candy...everyone out there....YOU...yes, you right there with the face....DO NOT TELL ME YOUR SECRETS, I officially suck at keeping them, the end.

The Way I Loved You-WTLGD2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن