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-Next morning-

*Door swings open*

(Nick) *pops head up* I thought that door was locked…

(Bailey) must have forgotten to lock it last night when I came upstairs from getting a drink…

(Kevin) What the heck…when did this happen?

(Bailey) About 3AM.

(Kevin) You say that like it’s perfectly normal…last I knew, you were pissed off at her…

(Nick) *Shrugs* We talked it out.

(Kevin) *shakes his head* Dad wants us all downstairs

(Bailey) *groans* Whatever it is, I didn’t do it

(Kevin)  Noted, regardless, he still wants to speak with all of us.

*B and Nick stumble out of bed and follow Kevin down the stairs to find Joe, Miley, and Dad all gathered in the living room*

(Dad) *looks up at Kevin* Oh good, they were awake…

(Kevin) Actually, they weren’t. They were all twintertwined when I busted in and said you needed to speak with us

(Bailey) Whatever it is, I didn’t do it

(Dad) *deadpans* You're funny

(Joe) So humpty-dumpty is back together again? Thank goodness.

(Bailey) *cocks a brow* because us fighting affected you so dearly

(Joe) uh, yea…you two fighting is the absolute worst…it's downright uncomfortable to witness

(Nick) we called a cease fire about 3AM…

(Dad) Good. I have a couple things I want to talk to you about before breakfast…Business first, I have scheduled a live chat for this afternoon. I am hoping B and Miley can put some of the PR fires to rest and we can move on from this storm of bad press. I started spreading the word this morning on myspace and the ubers are wild with excitement.

(Miley) Cool!

(Dad) That was really the only announcement I wanted everyone to be here for, Bailey, I need to speak with you privately about some things you said last night.

(Bailey) *groans* You might as well just say it here, they were all eavesdropping on my lecture anyway and this way I won’t have to repeat it for each of them later.

(Dad)*nods* I want you to know that I'm your dad first and JB manager second. If I ever made you feel that you were any less important than the boys it was unintentional and I'm so very sorry. You are right, I do tend to view your actions on how they will look from a PR standpoint but you guys are regular teens and you are going to make mistakes and whether those mistakes are under a microscope or not they should be treated as such…teenage mistakes. From now on I am going to make strides to take ALL our needs into account as much as possible when booking tours, interviews, etc.

(Bailey) *smiles* really?

(Dad) *Nods* yes, I’m not sure how but we will try to work things out so tours don’t disrupt your life as much….that being said…you are still grounded...for a very long time

*B groans*

(Nick) what about me?

(Dad) you too

(Nick) *cocks a brow* why? I thought I was only grounded until B and I were getting along...

(Bailey) *furrows brows* is that why you made up with me?

(Nick) no…I made up with you so I wouldn’t have to sleep on the floor

*Bailey scoffs*

(Nick) IM KIDDING…geesh…but seriously

(Mom) *walks in from kitchen* No, I grounded you for being ugly to your sister, just because all is well in twintown does not mean your punishment has ended. I have a whole list of fun chores for you two to do together. *both twins groan and Mom smirks in satisfaction* You can start with setting the table, breakfast is ready and you two can do cleanup afterwards *smiles*

*B and Nick reluctantly walk to the kitchen to get plates and silverware to set the table*

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