Standing Out in the Rain

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*B walks into her room steaming and shuts the door behind her*

(Bailey) just ignore Nick he is...*turns to see Sam sitting on her bed looking PISSED, her cell phone glowing  in his hand* why do you have that?

(Sam) oh...this? *holding up phone sarcastically* it started vibrating in your drawer, you missed a text by the way *flashes screen to B...JAKE*

(Bailey) Sam's not what it looks like...

(Sam) Oh thank God *sarcastic* because it LOOKS like you have been talking to Jake this whole the way he says *reads text aloud* "We could have a lot of fun in this blackout"

(Bailey) nothing is going on...its just a text

(Sam) JUST a text? How does he know you went to a movie the other night?

(Bailey) you read my texts?

(Sam) have you been calling him?

(Bailey) NO

(Sam) then how did he know Bailey?

(Bailey) Sam...please

(Sam) answer me Bailey

(Bailey) *tears* he was there

(Sam) *clenches jaw* he was there...and you didn't tell me

(Bailey) because I knew you would get upset...

 (Sam) that's great logic Bailey *sarcastic* Lie to me...'cause the truth would only upset me

(Bailey) I didn't lie to you...

(Sam) what is it you always say? ...a lie by still a lie

(Bailey) you are blowing this completely out of proportion...

 (Sam) I'm blowing this out of proportion??

*Door opens and there stands an unhappy looking Mom*

(Mom) what is going on in here? Bailey, NO boys are allowed in your room...especially with the door closed

(Sam) I'm sorry Mrs. Jonas, we were just talking...but I've heard enough....I was just leaving *Sam stands up and walks out past Mom without saying goodbye to B*

(Bailey) SAM! *B runs past Mom and down the stairs catching Sam outside at his car immediately being soaked by the storm* Where are you going?

(Sam) home!

(Bailey) *crying* please don't go...

(Sam) *walks over next to B* After what he did to you, after I told you how I felt about you talking to him...I can only think of one reason why you would ever talk to him still have feelings for him don't you

(Bailey) NO!

(Sam) Don't lie to me...I can deal with the truth...I can't deal with you lying...

(Bailey) *sigh* I don't know...

(Sam) *runs his hands through his hair frustrated* ....that's just great Bailey *walks back to his car*

(Bailey) *yells* It doesn't matter...I love YOU

(Sam) you have feelings for him....but you love me...somehow...that's NOT comforting

*Sam gets into his car and Bailey starts to cry running up to his car and opening the passenger door*

(Bailey) *crying* please don't go, the storm is really bad, just come inside and talk

(Sam) I'm done Bailey...let go of the door

(Bailey) what does that mean you are done?

(Sam) It means I'm done...tell Jake he wins...LET GO OF THE DOOR

*B stumbles back in shock and Sam leans over the passenger seat and pulls the door closed before pulling out of the drive and taking off down the road.*

Chapter End Notes:


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