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-The Next Morning 5am-

Bailey's Inner Monologue

Of course...of course! Day one of my no trouble till tour stint and I get my effing period. Let it be known that in general I am a very pleasant person to be around, I try to stay witty and upbeat and positive but for four days out of every month I am the biggest bitch you will ever meet, eff you mother nature.

*B shuts off the light in the bathroom and crawls back into bed snuggling into Nick's shoulder and quickly going back to sleep*


(Nick) B...

*B grumbles and buries her eyes into Nick's shoulder*

(Nick) *chuckles* Bailey...

(Bailey) *grumbles* No

(Nick) Bailey...

(Bailey) *shoots head up grumpy* WHAT...what is SO important that you had to wake me up?

(Nick) *cocks a brow* it's 9 o'clock...Sam is coming for breakfast...remember?

*B sighs and lets out a growl before tucking her head back into Nick's shoulder*

(Nick) *chuckles* you are SO pleasant this should go well

(Bailey) *sigh* promise to keep me in line, don't let Bitchy-B screw up Sam getting to go on tour

(Nick) I will do my best...but, you have to get up...I'm dropping low and I need to eat

*B sits up with a whine*

(Nick) *chuckles and stands from the bed holding out his hand to B* Come on Bitchy-B...

*B takes Nick's hand and he pulls her up from the bed before leading the way down the stairs to the kitchen*

(Mom) *smiles* good morning

*B plops into a seat at the counter and buries her head in her folded arms*

(Mom) ok...maybe not so good...

(Nick) she's not feeling so great...

(Mom) you aren't getting sick are you Bailey? If you are you need to keep your distance from the boys this week they have a ton of promotional stuff for the tour...

(Nick) *chuckles* no worries way I'm getting what she's got

(Bailey) *grumbles at Nick* I hate you

*Nick cocks a brow and hands B a bottle of Midol*

(Bailey) *smiles* you're pretty

(Nick) uh-huh...take your drugs

*Joe jogs down the steps before leaping off the last two onto the landing*

(Joe) Good morning lovely family.

(Mom) *smiles* How are you this morning?

(Joe) Good . . . it's a beautiful day.

(Bailey) *scoffs* oh please...

(Joe) *cocks a brow* What's her problem?

(Nick) PMS

(Joe) ooooooh...No bueno . . .

(Nick) *nods* No bueno . . .

(Bailey) I'm sitting right here ...I can frickin hear you talking about me

(Joe) No you can't...we are speaking Spanish...

(Bailey) hablo Espanol estupido

(Mom) hey...don't call your brother stupid

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