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*B walks downstairs, her hair and makeup freshly done*

(Bailey) Mom, have you seen my white top with those funky sides?

(Mom) yes it is in the wash right now...

(Bailey) *groans* is it ready to dry?

(Mom) no I just started the load, what is wrong with the shirt you have on?

(Bailey) Sam has something special planned for our 7 monthaversary, I can't wear a tee shirt

(Mom) not tonight...

(Bailey) like an hour

(Mom) I told you guys this morning I don't want you going out tonight

(Bailey) I thought you were talking to Joe, it's barely raining!

(Mom) it is supposed to get really bad and I don't want you kids out running around in it Bailey, the answer is no, don't argue. You can go out tomorrow night.

(Bailey) *whines* but tonight is our anniversary...not tomorrow

(Mom) well, have Sam come here instead

(Bailey) Mom that is so unfair!

(Mom) would you like to be grounded on your anniversary?

(Bailey) *scowl* no

(Mom) Keep up your attitude and you will be... I said no. Sam is welcome to come here and hang out, Veronica is coming over as well, you all could do a movie

*B turns around without saying another word and stomps up the stairs ranting under her breath before walking into her room and slamming the door*

(Nick) *peeks head in* whats up?

(Bailey) nothing...just mom ruining my life as usual.

(Nick)*walks in and shuts the door before sitting next to B on the bed*  what did she do?

(Bailey) today is my 7 monthaversary with Sam and he has something special planned and Mom says I cant go because of the storm that is supposed to be coming...its barely even raining!

(Nick) it is supposed to get pretty nasty, there are tornado warnings...

(Bailey) she said he could come here but I don't necessarily want to spend my anniversary with you offense.

(Nick) yea but spending your anniversary here together is better than nothing

(Bailey) quit ruining my pout with logic

(Nick) *chuckle* just have Sam come over tonight and do the special anniversary plans tomorrow

(Bailey) *sigh* fiiiine

(Nick) good, now that your crisis is solved, what do I do about Miley and I?

(Bailey) are you guys fighting again? I can't keep up...

(Nick) not necessarily fighting no...

(Bailey) Have you talked to Miley yet?

(Nick) *drops head and runs his hand nervously through his hair on the back of his neck* no...

(Bailey) what are you waiting for?

(Nick) *shrugs* I was kinda hoping to do it by phone after she left...

(Bailey) *cocks a brow* you plan to break up with Miles by phone?? That's super douchetastic Bubba.

(Nick) douchetastic?

(Bailey) Fantastically douchbagish

(Nick) douchbagish? *snickers*

(Bailey) *slaps Nick upside his head* You know what I mean!

(Nick) *laughs and rubs the back of his head* ouch. I didn't mean break up with her over the phone I meant  waiting to talk about it...I just didn't want to ruin her visit

(Bailey) trust me...girls don't want to talk about stuff like that over a phone...just talk to her

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